What type of ecological advancement should consumers be paying the most attention to? What should we be using in home life or what will soon be a part of our lives that is good for the environment? Where specifically do Americans fall short when it co

I need 3 in text citations, and a work cited page in MLA format. More rules: Words to avoid: all cliches
really, very, so,
I think, I feel, in my opinion,
Don’t abrev.,
Link each paragraph in the paper to both the next one and to the previous one though transitions,
Do not use (the parenthesis) this is for source information only and all of the information in your paper should be essential
Avoid contractions or dashes in formal writing :can’t or don’t are examples of what to avoid 
no ‘in conclusion’ or ‘to conclude’- just don’t use a word for the ending
don’t repeat yourself
NO ”etc’.
Spell out all numbers under 100 or that they only have two words in them
the topic prompts are: What type of ecological advancement should consumers be paying the most attention to?

What should we be using in home life or what will soon be a part of our lives that is good for the environment?

Where specifically do Americans fall short when it comes to being
environmentally friendly?