Week 1 written assignments

Based on this weeks readings involving ethical treatment of research participants write a 1-2 page essay paper addressing the following:

Do you feel that criminal justice researchers should be able to do research on any participant at any time? 
Develop a 5 paragraph essay format with a clear thesis statement. Use an outline before writing every assignment. If you do not, it will be obvious. 🙂
Do not write in 1st person, 3rd person only. You can express how you feel without the I’s, me’s and we’s.
Are there circumstances in which you feel these participants should be granted protection, based on the ethical guidelines presented? 
Be sure to identify which participants (prisoners, probationers, juveniles, etc.) that you feel should or should not have these protections.
Cite all sources. You should always cite your textbook and one other peer reviewed source at the minimum.
Paper will be assessed using the written assignment rubric.  While there are no strict right or wrong answers here, papers will be evaluated on how well terms from this weeks resources are incorporated into defending your position and your writing mechanics.

*Use links to help

