Objective: To examine the power of groups to influence our behavior.
Instructions: Objectively examine group dynamics within the workplace, family, classroom or while shopping. Describe the different types of groups you see (at least two groups must be discussed) and identify the characteristics (at least two characteristics) associated with the groups you have identified.
Successful completion of this activity requires you:
1. To provide a description of the different types of groups you see within a social environment. At least two groups must be discussed and you must identify the setting in which you are observing the group behavior. The response to this part of the activity must be at least 150 words
2. Based upon the types of groups identified above describe at least two characteristics associated with the groups you have identified. For example if you observed primary groups and reference groups within the setting observed you will need to identify two characteristics associated with primary and reference groups. The response to this part of the activity must be at least 150 words and it needs to be cohesive