Social Problems in Los Angeles

write a three page essay in the form of a platform for social change identifying the top three social problems in Los Angeles youve been studying and strategies to address them. (For example: Racism, sexism, immigration, economic inequality, gender inequality, age inequality)
write a three page essay in the form of a platform for social change identifying the top three social problems in Los Angeles youve been studying and strategies to address them. (For example: Racism, sexism, immigration, economic inequality, gender inequality, age inequality)
The introduction is used to establish the social setting you will be discussing, it is important to do the following in this opening paragraph:
Introduce your chosen city (Los Angeles) and provide any background information that helps your reader to understand it.
Explain the overall goal of your paper and explain how you will go about accomplishing it.
Explain why you chose this location.
This section is all about making a case for what the most pressing social problems are in your city of choice and what the best way to address them is. This is where you will introduce relevant theories, concepts, and/or empirical information that helps to prove your point.
This section of your paper is where you will do the work of convincing the reader that (a) the issues you discuss are a top priority in your chosen city and (b) that your recommendations for social change will be the most effective option.
Remember, this is not an opinion piece– you will need to use at least six relevant concepts/ pieces of data, etc. to make these points. Each concept/ piece of data needs to come from some combination of your readings, videos, or research and needs to be cited in-text. Please also bold and number each concept you bring in.
This is the last paragraph of your paper. This is where you summarize your case in the strongest terms. By this point, you should have convinced your reader that the particular problems you highlighted are the most pressing and your recommendations will be the most effective in addressing them. You may want to conclude your paper by posing further sociological questions about this topic or offering a sociological prediction of how the situation will play out and explaining why.
This is the last page of your review. It serves as a listing of all references that you mentioned in your paper (including the citations from your readings, videos, and outside research). Please use ASA style when completing this list. If you need help creating this page, please check out this ASA citation generator.