social media site

Select social networking site of your choice, discuss potential risks, dangers, privacy or surveillance issues that may potentially arise as users join the site.  In this paper, in addition to citing journal articles we read in this course, apply how such concerns can be applicable to social media site you are observing by discussing their privacy policy, (such as opt in opt out policy, or any detail description of privacy statement) Students will also critically analyze a chosen social networking site and culture to interrogate how the architectural structure within social media site can affect surveillance and security.

There is a well-developed introduction with an attention grabber that grabs the readers interest and continues to engage the reader up until the thesis statement. The thesis statement should clearly state the experience or event that will be described as well as the effect on the writer. Conclusion should effectively wraps up and re stresses the importance of the thesis.

Well developed main points/topic sentences that relate directly to the thesis. Supporting examples are concrete and detailed. The analysis is developed with an effective point of view.

Logical Progression of ideas with a clear structure that enhances the thesis. Transitions are effective and vary throughout the paragraph, not just in the topic sentences. Writing is smooth, skillful, and coherent. Sentences are strong and expressive with varied structure. Diction is consistent and words are well chosen. Punctuation, spelling, and capitalization are all correct. No errors.

Essay follows/addresses the module assignment instruction/guidelines exactly as requested: these includes page lengths, font, size, spacing of paper, specific instructions on case studies that need to be examined, or essays that need to be cited, number of references, questions asked from the instruction as well as expectations for each assignment explained in the video clip.