Short answer questions

Answer the 4 short answer questions.
– Must be 1 or 2/3 page per question. 4 questions = 4 pages.

Question 1A. If we really care about prevention, we would make sure that juveniles are not on the sex offender registry for life.  Explain why.
1B. To decrease recidivism, we would make sure they had adequate opportunity to participate in Anger Management, Healthy Sexuality, and Social Skills Training groups.  Explain why.

Question 2. You and your significant other havent had the opportunity for cuddling and intimacy (stay-at-home orders and social distancing restrictions, let alone lack of privacy).  Further complicating things, you are 17 years old and on Probation for sexting with your 15 year old girlfriend.  Your Probation Officer wants a risk assessment conducted to include a polygraph (lie detector) before she approves any contact (even by phone or Skype/FaceTime) between the two of you.
The polygraph can focus on a number of different things.  What sort of information does your probation officer need in order to make her decision.  What if she finds out that you have been using a throw-away phone?

Question 3. Briefly explain why changes are/were needed in our policies. Please focus on the developmental and/or social/emotional impact on the individual.
-Solitary confinement

Question 4.
According to Dr. Gabrielle Salfati, in her workshop on Building Resilience in Times of Adversity (May 1, 2020), the difference between stumbling blocks and stepping stones is how you use them.  She also advises that you can turn stumbling blocks into stepping stones and opportunity. Dr. Salfati explains that there can be traumatic growth growth that comes from living through the trauma youre not just surviving, youre thriving. Explain what you think she meant by that.