select a topic from biology or medicine, diseases and treatments are good choices

12 pt type, double spaced.Section 1:  Discuss your topic for 2 pages (12pt type, double spaced) using in text citations (author, year) following the sentence or paragraph the citation supports. Never quote your sources, only paraphrase (put in your own words) what has been said, you are just citing the ideas not the words. At the end of the paper include a works cited section (bibliography). Your paper is an introduction to the topic and should be cognitively organized from top to bottom, going from old to recent, and from broad to narrow.
Section 2:  Use Aristotles Golden Mean to discuss the ethics of your topic and how an ethical (virtuous) person would address the choices related to your topic. The Golden Mean discourages excessive choices, actions, or behaviors, while as well and equally as importantly avoiding choices that lead to deficient actions and behaviors. That which is excessive or extreme is to be avoided as much as that which is insufficient or lacking in some aspect or value. To find the Golden Mean for your topic discuss what would be excessive, then discuss what would be insufficient, and finally provide the mean between the two extremes.
Example:  If you eat too much you are a glutton and in pain, if you eat too little you are famished (extremely starving) and in pain, but if you eat just the right amount you are not in pain and in fact feel good, even happy (certainly happier than those of either extreme).
Aristotle through the Golden Mean intended a path to develop an ethical character not just to follow the rules and not get in trouble as required by moral behavior but to do so because being virtuous, using the Golden Mean, leads to happiness. Ergo, ethical treatment of others leads to happiness and self-fulfillment, doing right because it is right, and feels right, not just because it is what you should do.