Scene analysis

E) SCENE ANALYSIS After each life experience assignment and class discussion, these chapter concepts and terms will be further reinforced through a series of scene interpretations from a chosen movie. Each chapter assigned to this work will have a list of several terms or concepts to choose from (number to be determined in class) in movie handout listed on in course documents section of BB. There will be four chapters that will have a scene analysis assignment. Each chapter analysis is worth 10 points. Students will choose number of determined terms or concepts and define them from the chapter in textbook. Only definitions from the textbook can be used. Definitions must be written verbatim as it appears in chapter. Step by step instruction on how to do this assignment is in BB section called course documents. More on this step approach to the assignment in class. A rubric will also be handed out (or posted on blackboard) for additional instructions on how to this scene analysis, as well as past student scene analysis papers for reference. Aim: To gauge each students ability to apply terms or concepts from the reading to better understand the cultural, social, and communication actions of others. UTILIZE Scene Analysis # 1 Chapter 12: Intercultural Communication AND/WITH The movie we will be using for analysis is Boyz N the Hood. I think the movie can be found on YouTube
Survey of Communication
Scene Analysis Handout
There are three scene analysis papers due during the semester. The goal of each analysis is to gauge your knowledge, understanding and ability to apply certain terms or concepts from chapter readings.
The chapters the class will analyzing are 12 (Intercultural Communication), 2 (Verbal Communication) or 3 (Non Verbal Communication) and 9 (Inter Personal  Communication). Please look over the information below.
Under each Chapter Heading you will see the movie to watch and a list of key terms or concepts. Please view the following steps to do the assignment.
1) Choose _______terms or concepts from chapter list. Once this is done, DEFINE verbatim each term or concept FROM THE TEXTBOOK.  Definitions from any other source will NOT be accepted.  This first step must be written out on the paper you are handing in.

Definitions should be at least 3-5 sentences in length. The more detailed definition you have the more words to work with for a better chance of an accurate and meaningful analysis (more on this in Step # 3). 

2) Once you have the definitions in place, choose a SCENE that you think best connects with the definition. For example, if you choose to define the word STEREOTYPE, you need to pick a scene from the movie that best illustrates or demonstrates the definition of STEREOTYPE.

3) Once you have the definition and associated scene in place, your analysis begins. Analysis should explain or interpret the chosen scene USING THE WORDS FROM THE DEFINITION OF THE TERM OR CONCEPT you picked.
Example. The scene for the term STEREOTYPE needs to analyzed or broken down using the words from its definition. No personal opinions, inferences, or responses are asked for or accepted. In class we can discuss any personal thoughts about your analysis.
All answers are based on applying the words from a term or concepts definition.
There will be a rubric physically given out and or on blackboard as a reference guide to the assignment.

Chapter 12 Intercultural Communication Movie is Boyz in da hood
1) *Racial prejudice
Racial discrimination
*These three terms are a package deal. They will count for ONE question. So please choose one scene or scenes that best illustrate them.
2) Intersectionality
3) Privilege
4) Ethnocentrism

5) *Minority Identity Development (In analysis of a character, connect stages 1-4)
Majority Identity Development( In analysis of a character, connect stages 1-4)
*everyone has to choose, apply, and analyze either Minority or Majority Identity Development to one of the characters in the movie.
6) Collectivistic versus Individualistic Culture

7) *Representation
Symbolic Annihilation
*These two terms are a package deal. The count as ONE question.
If choosing these terms to analyze you will need to profile a character who you feel is being portrayed in the movie in a way that illustrates the two terms definitions. You may wind up comparing your analysis with other examples from another movie or medium outlet.
Perhaps though, you may also feel that this movie breaks through certain racial stereotyping defined by the two terms. If so, provide reasons and scene support that contradicts the terms definitions