Ryan Reynolds Social Anxiety Disorder

1) Define the diagnosis, or diagnoses that Ryan Reynolds of interest suffers with. This must include diagnostic criteria according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-V).

2) You must defend your diagnostic impression by describing the symptoms, behaviors, thought patterns exhibited, and feelings expressed by the main character or person of interest and relate them to the diagnostic criteria according to the DSM-V.

3) Identify the abnormal characteristics exhibited, and suggest possible research based causal factors for the behavior(s) and/or diagnosis.

4) Finally, include acceptable and/or standard research based treatment interventions for the particular diagnosis. Include a prognosis for stabilization and/or improvement both with and without treatment.

5) This Term Paper must be a minimum of six full typed text pages, double-spaced with a font no larger than 12, and adhere to APA format.  Remember, APA format requires a title page and a reference page with page insertion.  You do not need to have an abstract page.  It must include at least four scholarly sources with appropriate citations throughout. One source must include the  DSM-V (you can use your textbook when referencing the DSM-V since the textbook does reference the DSM-V throughout).  Just be sure to list the DSM-V in your reference page.  Please contact the instructor or the writing lab if you have any questions, or are in need of further clarification regarding APA format.

*****  I would think that it would take a page or two to describe the character, how he displayed his thought, feelings and behaviors.  It should take at least a page to identify what disorder or disorders you think he suffers with and connect them to the symptoms required for that disorder according to the DSM-V.  You need to paraphrase and not simply cut and past information from the text regarding the DSM-V.  Then you need at least two scholarly sources that identifies effective treatment interventions for the disorder.  This should take about 2 pages.  You summary should be about a page where you talk about the character’s prognosis both with or without recommended treatment interventions. *****