Response journal

Answer the questions below in about 300 words. You must refer to the facts or concepts in the assigned materials, although you are also welcome to add information from other sources. You do not have to use footnotes when you paraphrase or quote from a text,  but be sure to make the source clear to me. For example, you can say, “According to Murphey’s A History of Asia” when paraphrasing or say (Murphey) after a direct quote. If you use an outside source, you have to explain it further, using at least the title and author of the work you are referring to.  The answers must be in complete sentences, not bullet points. You are also welcome to add your own analysis or thoughts, but only if you have space after you address the question.


Why was the Korean Peninsula divided, and how do the two Koreas see each other? Use both the Seth and McEachern readings to explain.