Research for Consumer Behavior Report on External and Environmental Factors

An essential component of working together is that each member of the group must bring something to the team. Throughout the course, you will be conducting research and sharing your findings with your marketing team. You should conduct your research through the lens of your role on the marketing team. Your resource can be a website, reading, article, video, or anything that will help your team successfully complete the components of your Consumer Behavior Report related to external and environmental factors.

(Components of your Consumer Behavior Report related to external and environmental factors:

The marketing environment, consisting of economic, technology, competitive, regulatory, and sociocultural factors influences not only the firm and how it develops its product, price, place, and promotional strategies, but also how consumers behave. Based on your CB Report, analyze the marketing environment from the perspective of:

The companys marketing strategy
The consumers perspective
The marketing environmental factors
Drafting this model will ensure that the marketing strategy executed by the firm will efficiently and effectively influence the consumers behavior.)

To complete this discussion board post, each team member must do the following:

Identify a resource that relates to your rolePrice Specialist on the team and the topic of external and environmental factors that influence consumer behavior.
Reference the title of your resource (cite it in APA format).
Provide a summary of the resource.
List 3-4 key ideas contained in the resource that address the topic and your role on the team.
List 3-4 questions and/or things you are confused about with regard to key ideas, claims, and conclusions.
To successfully complete the assignment, you should adhere to the following guidelines:

Identify how your resource relates to the topic and your role Price Specialiston the team.

The materials attached is text book and past research for reference