Renaissance Humanism

During the Renaissance, beauty was given priority and buildings were often treated as works of art. Symmetry was important. Rhythm was accomplished through the use of repetitive forms, such as columns, pilasters, windows, or even niches that were directly referenced from ancient Greek and Roman examples.  Humanism and the role of the individual became increasingly important.

Choose one Renaissance architect, artist or designer (Leonard Da Vince) Create a visual timeline providing important works in chronological order by your chosen person; select a minimum of 6 examples of their work to include.

Provide the following for each example:

Dates of creation
Item type (cathedral, basilica, painting, sculpture)
Medium/materials used
Dimensions (if artwork or decorative object)
One important fact for each (what did you find most interesting?)

Accompany your timeline with a three-paragraph minimum description of why you selected your particular examples, how your chosen artist/architect/designers work reflects the classicism of ancient Greece and Rome and how the examples also encompass the idea of Humanism.

I’ve attached an example for reference.