
After completing the assigned reading in Duvall and Hays and the assigned Bible reading, complete the following in one to two paragraphs each:

1. After reading 1 Corinthians 12 and Romans 12:3-8, what are spiritual gifts? Why is it so important to have a proper understanding of spiritual gifts in the context of a local church?

2. From pp. 283 and following, identify and explain two of the main themes from the book of Revelation in one paragraph each.

After completing the assigned reading in Plummer, complete the following in one to two paragraphs each:

3. What prevents people from being more unified in their interpretations of the Bible? What can be done to overcome those obstacles?

4. Identify and explain two principles for interpreting the Bibles letters (or epistles).


Duvall, J. S., & Hays, J. D. (2012). Living God’s word: Discovering our place in the great story of scripture. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. ISBN-13: 978-0310292104

Plummer, R. (2010). 40 questions about interpreting the Bible. Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Academic & Professional. ISBN-13: 978-0825434983 View less