
4/10/22, 4:37 AM Reflection 4 1/2

Reflection 4

Due Sunday by 11:59pm Points 10 Submitting a file upload (Turnitin enabled)Available Mar 26 at 11:59pm – May 7 at 11:59pm about 1 month

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Kyle Yrigoyen


In a short writing of roughly 500 words, please respond to the following questions:

1. Peslak, Floridi, Prasad, and Oloko each raise a variety of concerns about software quality and itsrelationship to ethics and software development. Furthermore, Andreessen and Patel make clear thatsoftware has and will continue to shape the world as we know it. Accordingly Pelsak holds that "poorsoftware quality presents an ethical issue for society." We might then ask: to what degree aresoftware developers responsible for the quality of software? What moral principles seem to be ofconcern to the authors above? Please be sure to define your terms and give examples.


Write a short essay that addresses the questions above. When you respond to these questions, youshould be specific and cite specific details from the class readings and your own research. You mayprovide references from your own research, but only in addition to material provided by the course. Also,you MUST make sure to cite your sources in your response and include a reference list at the end ofyour essay. Citations must be from reputable sources. Sites like Wikipedia,, etc. are NOTconsidered acceptable sources.

Higher credit will be given for responses that show evidence of a systematic and comprehensiveunderstanding of the topics involved.


4/10/22, 4:37 AM Reflection 4 2/2

Standard font, preferably Arial in either 11pt or 12pt. Be sure to structure your paper in proper paragraphform. Do not write one, long run-on paragraph.

MLA, APA, or any other format is acceptable provided that it is consistent through the entire paper.Please, no cover sheets.