Psychology behavioral explanation

Behavior Explanation Paper Instructions
With the cover page as page 1, the BE paper should be two to three pages, single- spaced, and TYPED. Electronically submit to the BB Dropbox by 11AM, October 1, 2020, when the dropbox closes. The following policies in the syllabus apply: IIB (BE paper details), IIIB (paper format policy), IIIC (late paper policy), IIIE (plagiarism policy).
Select one BE concept from the two below:
1. Temptation (chapter 11, page 349-350): [Note: example to show resisting desire]
desire to do something temporarily enjoyable that has a negative consequence OR
2. Mere exposure effect (chapter 13, page 437): [Note: example to show increasing liking] increases in contact with someone or something may increase liking for that someone or something
1. A grade of Pass or Fail on this assignment is possible.
2. For a grade of Fail, students may re-write the paper (per feedback from the return of the
original BE paper) and submit a revision in an attempt to receive a Pass. The revision due date is November 5, 2020.
The paper should be divided into three sections that are clearly labeled with the following exact headings and required information for each section.
1. Description of Behavior
In this section, you need to describe the behavior which you observed. You must describe a real-life example of a behavior that you have experienced yourself or observed in others. You should include enough detail so that I can fully understand what you observed. The goal of this section is to provide an ACCURATE description of the behavior.
2. Concept Identification
Using your own words, identify and describe the concept from class that is relevant to the behavior you described in #1. Be sure you are explaining the concept in your own words (not using the exact wording from the text or other sources). Include the chapter and page number where your text defines the concept.
3. Explanation
This portion of the paper is the most detailed. You need to describe the behavior you observed (#1) with the concept you identified (#2). Basically, you need to dissect the behavior. Make sure you include enough information so that I can see that you clearly understand how the concept applies to your behavioral example.

The model example that is very brief shows the format that is wanted. Also, i would like to say that i would like the paper to be on temptation as that sounds most familiar to me.