Personal Identifiable Information (PII)

Research Paper Criteria

APA format/fully APA, sixth edition, compliant, to include double-spaced with appropriate peer reviewed citations, and in Microsoft Word

The paper will address the problem and challenges related to various Homeland Security Management topics. This is an analytical and prescriptive assignment: if you dont identify a problem, you dont have a paper that meets the learning outcome. How you address the problem or challenges causes, implications and possible solutions, will form the basis of your critical thinking grade. The recommendations you offer will form the basis for evaluating critical the originality of your ideas.

Topic: Personal Identifiable Information (PII)

Page range is 4-5 pages (not counting title and reference pages) of text with a minimum of 5 academic peer reviewed references.

Pfleeger, Charles P. / Pfleeger, Shari Lawrence, and Marguiles, Jonathan, (2015).  Security in Computing, Fifth, Prentice Hall.


National Institute of Standards and Technology

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Digital Guardian (statistics, data breaches)