Opinion Piece


As citizens, we need to be able to distill our opinions and persuade others of the validity of those opinions. In a 5-7 page, double-spaced paper (with 12-pt. font maximum and 1-inch margins maximum), you will write an opinion piece designed to speak to a particular audience about a subject that you think would be valuable to articulatenot only for your own benefit, but for others as well. Your topic should be something on which you have a good amount of knowledge.

Your piece must conform to the genre expectations for opinion pieces, which the Bedford Book of Genres outlines and which we will discuss in class.

The rough/first draft is due on the date listed in the syllabus: you will need to upload your draft to the Google Drive you share with your group members; you will also upload a copy for me to Blackboard. This rough draft must be complete for you to get the 2 points on your final grade average. Drafts that are incomplete will earn 0 pts. These are the drafts on which your group members will make comments. Your final draft will be due on the date listed in the syllabus.

Learning objectives
    Perform advanced analysis of texts (across a variety of media) for elements of the rhetorical situation, including purpose, audience, occasion, genre, persuasive appeals, etc.
    Engage in a writing process that includes invention, drafting, peer response, revision, editing, and proofreading.
    Compose texts across a variety of genres and media to a range of audiences, paying attention to rhetorical moves appropriate for those genres and/or audiences.
    Employ research methods and documentation styles appropriate for the topic, genre, and/or audience.
    Continue to practice collaboration in teamwork and build small group communication skills.
    Understand how awareness of rhetorical elements such as audience and genre contribute to professionalism and public writing.
    Engage regularly in metacognitive reflection on communication.

The successful submission for this assignment will

    Be based on information gleaned from credible sources
    Conform to the requirements of the appropriate genre.
    Provide accurate, relevant information that addresses the assignment. (See above.)
    Display careful audience analysis.
    Use effective overall organizational patterns.
    Use quoting, summarizing, and paraphrasing in an effective manner.
    Use clear grammatical constructions, avoiding wordiness while providing thorough information.
    Use punctuation correctly.
    Be carefully proofread and polished.

Please avoid politics and abortion that can endlessly just go back and forth