Need MacroEco help

Minimumwage is a hot topic in politics today.Many politicians are advocating araise in the wage from$7.25an hourthe current wageto$15.Theyargue that$7.25is not a high enough wage to support a family.Opponents believe raising the wage would have dire consequences on thelabor markets and especially the teenage labor market.
Ifyou were advising a politician on his/her platform would you encourageor discourage them from supporting an increase to$15.Why?Explain yourdecision usinginformation and terminology that has been covered inUnit One.Your answer to the question must be a minimum of5completesentences.(Support your answer)
Youmust reply to the post of one of your classmates.In your reply youmust say whether you agree or disagree and why?Did your classmateexplain their decision in economic terms?Your reply must be at least3complete sentences