Medical Tourism in Egypt

This is about demonstrating why Egypt as a destination can offer unique, effective and second to none medical treatments especially to overaged people mainly coming from Europe.
3 major points that I want to focus on.
1- The destination itself {Towns, Villages, Oases that offer natural resources fo rtherapeutic and healing resources like hot springs, sand.. etc} ( The warm excellent Weather throughout the year) (Availability of lodges, hotels and resorts that offer pleasing and professional services) (adding some sightseeing to a medical trip also is a key)

2- Excellent Human Resources in the field of Physiotherapy as Egypt considered to be one of the very few countries which all its universities -crowned by Cairo university- are offering 5 years academic years for Physiotherapy while other countries including USA & European countries ranges from 2 to 4 years as maximum.Accordingly, It is well known that Egyptian Physiotherapists and chiropractors are very well educated and trained.

While other travel businesses entities try to indulge themselves in this sort of business they focus of price affordability as a keypoint I would rather want to emphasys on the uniqeness and high standards of Hygiene and quality of all provided service specially after the Corona Virus pandemic {Please see this article on my site that shows what policies and  precautions we offer to our clients after that pandemic in general} and try to add some of it to your research.

While there are many destination in Egypt can offer natural resources for medical tourism in Egypt and they are should be discussed under the first point mentioned above.. I will be recommending Safaga as this article on my site featuring.

3- I think we can end the research with programs that we can offer using the skills of our Physiotherapists and chiropractors and apply the Programs mentioned in the attached paper