Make a Windows application using .net framework

Need the solution for HW 4 by 10 am Chicago time. 

Only accept if you can guarantee a 100% working code, rating will be given accordingly. 

Have attached hw 3 question document for reference. Please use the hw solution file as the data source for hw4.

Please note: Coding needs to be done in Visual basic using .net framework. Fully working code files are required to be submitted along with a separate screenshots file showing all outputs as mentioned in the hw 4 doc. 


Develop a Windows application for the project developed in Homework #3. You should use the Access solution file given HW3_Project_Solution.accdb to complete this homework. Do not use your own developed Access file. For this part of the project, you will need to incorporate all the ACCESS tables and queries into a Windows application. Students should submit the following,

The design view, the code view, and the execution view of each Windows form in the Windows application for your project. If a Windows form displays the query, give the SQL statement view or the Query Builder view of the query