Language and Listening

Use the listening assessment tool in chapter five to identify strengths and weaknesses. Observe and self-monitor your interpersonal interactions during the next few days.


In your one-page essay:

Discuss of types of ineffective listening you most often use and why someone might listen ineffectively.
Discuss benefits of talking less and listening more.
Identify specific strategies someone can adopt to improve listening effectiveness.

** Remember, these assignments are academic essays; your personal experience and ideas are support material for main points that are based on the chapter content and that address the prompt. Write for the reader. Assume the reader wants to learn more about interpersonal communication and that it is someone who is unlikely to ever meet you personally. Your main points should be about communication not about “you.” Show mastery of the material form the course module as you apply/associate it with your own experiences as examples. Also, avoid references to it being an assignment for a class, cite the textbook as a source rather than calling it “the textbook”, etc. **