Impact of the tax burden on the shadow economy in EU countries

In this seminar paper it is crucial to confirm or refute the thesis that tax burdens have an impact on the shadow economy. CORRELATION ANALYSIS will be used as a method of analysis on the basis of files.
In the paper 5 charts or graphs are needed.

Firstly in the analysis the basic information, progress, where are the lowes/ highest values of the tax burden/ shadow economy, how the shadow economy is developing.. The highest/ lowest values should be also commented – why it could be like that.. Also, use the charts/graphs for it. And please mention firstly the shadow economy and then the tax burden..

Secondly the correlation analysis. Firstly briefly discribe how it works, then the data.

There is problem that there are no newest data for the size of the shadow economy than 2015. so just use the period 1995-2015.
There are 27 current states in the EU.

The date for size of tax burden are from Eurostat and tha data for Tax Burden are from Medina, L.,& Schnedier, F.; Shadow Economy Around the World: What Did We Learn Over the Last 20 Years?, IMF Working Paper, january 2018

please use only high-quality sources as JSTOR, proquest, oecd library, scientific research,…

I do not want introduction or conclusion! Only the data.

I have already done my literature review, so just briefly go through it and also in the file is already one graph, so you can use it and for example describe that there was decrease after 2008 in every state because of the Great recession or something like that.
Thanky you