
God Report Research Instructions:

Begin by reviewing the information about your god or goddess in the chapter by Edith Hamilton.  Then learn more by doing some basic internet research on your god or goddess, consulting at least 3 different sites.  (You may of course replace any of the website sources with a book check out the library).

You should look for the following information:

1.    Of what is this god or goddess the deity?  Why does that matter?

2.    Who are this god/goddesss parents?  What is his or her origin story, if any?

3.    What is this god/goddess personality like?

4.    What objects, animals, and places are associated with this god/goddess?

5.    What is one short but interesting fact about this god/goddess, in addition to what youve already noted?

God Report Writing Instructions:

Write a 1- page report in which you convey the information you have found in an organized, clear fashion. You should:

1.    Take information from all of your sources, not just one

2.    All the information should be in your own words, being sure to cite where your information comes from. (See “How to Cite Everything” in Unit 1 under “Helpful Information,” looking at “how to cite prose” and “How to Cite from A Website.”  Or you can find it here:  How to Cite Everything and Most Common Errors Explained).

3.  Then, for the rest of the report, use information from add additional information in  Normally, even information put in your own words would need citation in the text.  However, for our exercise, we will consider most of what you will find common knowledge and not give additional citation.

3.  Write clearly, using good organization, grammar, and sentence structure.

4.    At the end of the essay, include a list titled Works Consulted, listing (in MLA format) the websites (or books) you have used.  Also be sure to include Edith Hamilton on this list (see note below for how to make that entry.  For proper website format, see https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/08/