health and wellness

How to complete the Assignment:
1)    Choose one of the following research questions, or if you have another question you would like to explore for this assignment, ask your instructor for permission.
o    Does Nature or Nurture contribute more significantly to the development of mental illness?
o    Are there dangerous implications of lowering the physical activity requirements for adults and children?
o    Are present day technological “advancements” affecting our health positively or negatively?
o    Is there one national health objective that you feel is imperative to improve the health of Canadians today?
o    Are e-cigarettes a good option for people looking to quit smoking?
o    Is high intensity interval training appropriate for people with chronic diseases?
o    Should marijuana be legalized in Canada?
o    Is happiness and sense of humour something that can be trained or something that we are born with?
o    Are the non-pharmacologic (non-medication) treatments that are available for depression more effective than medication?
o    Does eating a vegetarian or vegan diet or other fad diet (pick one) make people live longer?

2) Once you pick your question, develop a hypothesis.
o    Example question: Does bare foot running prevent injuries?
o    Hypothesis: Bare foot running prevents injuries.

3) Use the Humber library Discover search engine ( to locate at least 3 peer-reviewed primary journal articles on your topic. See the video posted on our Blackboard website for downloading papers using Discover. In addition to these resources, you may also reference other good quality sources of information such as Government websites (i.e., Health Canada), Government documents, or publications from not-for-profit organizations (i.e., Osteoporosis Canada). In total, 5 references must be used. Sources such as Wikipedia are not acceptable.

4)    Use the inverted pyramid method to develop an outline for your paper. Under each heading for your outline (see below), write down 3 points that you will make in your paragraph. Use point form/dot-jots. Be sure to include at least 5 references (books, websites, magazines, journal article), 3 being from peer-reviewed journals and include the proper in-text citation and build a proper reference list. You must also include at least 1 direct quotation.

5)    Use the sticky note method, or develop a chart summarizing the information that you found on your topic.

6)    Turn your point-form outline into a paper by putting your researched ideas into your own words. Consider the tips, below, to turn your outline into a paper. Your final submission should be no longer than 500 words.

Suggestions for headings include:
Background or introduction (contextualizing)
o    Introduce your topic in a broad sense. If you are researching a disease, provide some statistics about how common the disease is. State your research question and your hypothesis at the end of this section.
Literature review or summary of evidence (conceptualization)
o    In your own words, provide a review of the papers that you read and discuss the research results. Be sure to explain or define important terms. You can use phrases such as:
    In the study by Thomas and colleagues (Thomas, 2011)
    According to the report by Martin et al. (Martin, 2008)
    As pointed out by Smith, James, & Douglas (2013)
o    You are trying to tell a story, so think of organizing the research studies in a logical order. It may be that you present research from the oldest to most recently published study to show how research has progressed, or maybe you first present studies that were performed on animals and then present studies on humans. Take some time to think about the most logical and easy to read order!
Conclusion (resolving)
o    Relate the results from the research papers to your hypothesis. Is there enough evidence to make a conclusion? If not, provide suggestions about what further research should be undertaken.
o    Provide a suggestion(s) about what the implications of the research are on health and wellness and why it is important for us to know.
o    You can also discuss future direction of research.

7)    Edit and format your paper according to the following specifications and upload it to Blackboard > Assignments > Assignment #1 Research Paper:
o    Font- size 12, Arial or Times New Roman
o    1 inch margins
o    Double spacing
o    Title Page- title of your paper, name, student number, institution
o    Page numbers in top right corner
o    Running head- top left (see this website for more:
o    Properly formatted in-text citations and references page

Additional Notes & Resources:
    The Writing Centre in the Humber School of Liberal Arts & Sciences also provides resources and guidance regarding essay writing, APA formatting and research skills.
    APA in Minutes videos on Humber Library website

Plagiarism and Duplication
The academic integrity policy prohibits academic dishonesty, plagiarism, falsification or fabrication of information, multiple submissions of academic work, abuse of academic material, cheating and complicity in academic dishonesty. The policy will be strictly enforced. 
This assignment must consist of original work. Any quotations or references must be properly listed. Each student must hand in their own individual assignment. Cases of plagiarism or duplication may result in a grade of zero (0) on the assignment, as well as a permanent record of academic. APA style referencing must be used for all sources.