Group Communication

Submission Requirements
400 to about 650 words, but certainly no more than 800 words.
Include the word count at the end of your response, like this: Words: 582
Submit to the relevant dropbox as a Word Document (doc or docx) or a PDF file.
Write the response in Standard American English. This includes using full sentences, indented paragraphs, and proper spelling and punctuation.  Be sure to double space your submission.
Place course concepts you use in bold. Example: Early on our group developed an unusual norm about taking turns in conversation… (Note that your goal is still to demonstrate a rich understanding of the course material, though, and not merely to spam vocabulary.)
If the only source you use is the textbook, you do not need to submit a works cited list.

Watch and analyze this video of three conversations, using concepts covered in the reading and modules for this lesson.  You might want to watch the video more than once to note all the verbal and nonverbal behaviors:

Part 1: Analyze the first conversation by exploring how four specific nonverbal behaviors affected the climate, keeping in mind that the climate can change over time.

Part 2: Analyze the second conversation in terms of social presence and two other concepts of your choosing, explaining how these influenced the attitudes of the two participants.

Part 3: Analyze the third conversation by using three concepts from the readings on listening, plus at least one other concept of your choosing.