By Cheryl Lentz
Problems and Problem Spaces
Essential Questions
1. What is a problem space? Why is a problem important to the doctoral process?
2. Where and how does one �nd a problem space in the research?
3. What is the difference between a topic of interest and a research study?
Introduction: The Problem Space and Its Importance in theDoctoral Process
Creation of a dissertation begins with interest in a speci�c topic. Ensuring that the topic of interest transforms
into a doable study on an identi�ed problem space based on prior research represents the key to an effective
dissertation. The goal of this chapter is to delve into this understanding, particularly identifying a problem
space, formerly known as the research gap that serves as the foundation of the dissertation. An additional
purpose of this chapter is to transition from an initial topic of interest to a topic worthy of doctoral study. A
problem space represents the difference between what is known in a �eld or research and what is not known.
There are several reasons doctoral learners should identify research needs and problem spaces:
To contribute to the scienti�c knowledge that exists on a topic.
To acknowledge the existing research that exists on a topic.
To inspire future research.
To compare current research with the desired future state of a topic or condition.
To depict what is not yet known.
To determine the missing elements in existing literature.
Ideally, the purpose of doctoral-level research is to add to the greater body of knowledge within the appropriate
�eld. To make this contribution, one must �rst identify a problem space in current research that leads to a
speci�c problem for a particular group of people (e.g., business owners, educators, learners, ministers, health
care leaders) instead of just a topic of interest or personal curiosity.
Where and How Does One Find the Problem Space?Doctoral learners must conduct a thorough review of the literature and read prior studies on their dissertation
topics. Ultimately, the key to identifying a problem space to study is to read widely and deeply, conducting a
systematic review of the available information on the topic. If starting with an outcome-based approach, the
researcher begins with the end in mind and works backward from a desired outcome or future state. For
example, if a church experiences a decline in attendance (outcome), the goal is to work backward from the
desired outcome or future state (increased, consistent attendance), regarding answering the question of why
this decline exists. Utilizing Socratic questioning represents an effective method of determining why the
problem exists. The process requires continually asking questions for separating the symptom from the cause.
In the Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) program, for example, the focus remains on a business
problem; the purpose of the research study is to �nd answers that owners of businesses can use to further the
needs of their business. Simply put, what do business owners need or want to know that would help save or
make money for the business? If one is within the �eld of education or enrolled in the Doctor of Education
(EdD) program, what is the education problem for principals and educators? If in ministry, what is the
ecumenical problem the church or leadership faces? Within the social sciences, what are the problems
currently faced in health care leadership, for example? Regardless of the focus of study, a dissertation rests on
the foundation of the problem emanating from the problem space in the topic of interest.
Researchers must �nd a problem space that exists within the current research to which the doctoral study
may then contribute. Consider this scenario: When bringing a new person to start at a company that conducts
scienti�c research in the �eld of leukemia, the trainer needs to bring the new employee into alignment with
the existing staff. The trainer needs to tell the new hire everything about the company, the job, and the known
scienti�c research up to the moment in time at which the new employee begins work (his/her �rst day). The
trainer needs to convey the mission and purpose of the company, particularly about the completion of speci�c
research to the present time, as well as what researchers continue to work on to �nd answers regarding types
of leukemia not yet curable.
The trainer further explains to the new employee what the company does not know and the plan that the
company has regarding research in progress to gain answers to these unsolved problems. This is where the
researcher's piece of the company puzzle becomes meaningful. Think of how a puzzle piece �ts into the
overall whole—to build on the other puzzle pieces. Often, when assembling a puzzle, one might complete the
border �rst, and then �ll in the missing pieces as they connect to the border, thereby continually building on
previous work. Similarly, the company evaluates how the new employee's piece of the puzzle contributes to the
overall whole of �nding cures for leukemia. What is the problem space between what the scienti�c �eld
currently knows about cures for leukemia, and what remains unknown to which the work of this new
employee will speci�cally contribute as part of the company? This clarity of purpose justi�es the need for
research regarding potential cures in the �eld of leukemia based on this problem space.
Identi�cation of the Problem Space by Patricia Chess
All learners must identify how they will focus their research to produce an original
dissertation. This involves the difference between what is known in a �eld of research and
what is not yet understood. This process involves reading the literature and becoming
deeply familiar with how a speci�c topic has been studied, how the research is trending, and
what approaches have been used to study it in order to identify what still needs to be
The topic, the problem statements that other researchers have de�ned, and the approaches
that other researchers have taken, all constitute the problem space for a study. The problem
space is a way to help you establish some boundaries for the literature review so that you
have a clear idea of what to include and what to exclude. What needs to be understood is the
result of the analysis of the literature review within the problem space, and the problem
statement expresses how the proposed study will address what needs to be understood.
Becoming deeply familiar with how a speci�c topic has been studied involves reading and
synthesizing the literature related to the problem space, focusing on the past �ve years. Lack
of research on a topic, or personal interest in an unresearched topic, are not suf�cient
reasons to do a dissertation. Just because something has not been researched does not mean
it should be. Therefore, the learner must be well read on their topic to identify ways their
study will add to the existing body of knowledge on the topic.
Problems based in practice
Practice-based research may initially de�ne the problem based in a practice within an
organization or setting; however, the approach to investigating the problem needs to follow
scholarly research procedures. This means that the problem space needs to include
literature that is scholarly in nature so that the proposed dissertation research will advance
knowledge and practice. The literature review should include peer-reviewed articles from
research-based journals as well as journals on professional practice and research-based
industry journals.
There are a variety of ways to synthesize the literature. Below is a set of steps that may be
First, explore original literature on the topic. The topic should focus on an issue
germane to the learner's program of study to determine what has been discovered and
what still needs to be understood.
Second, while exploring the original literature, identify the broad topics and problems
researched and trace the evolution of the research on the problem. How did the focus
change? What �ndings emerged from these studies?
Third, describe the research published during the past 2 to 3 years to discover what has
been discovered, what problems have been studied, and what still needs to be
understood. Discuss the trends and themes that emerged. Studies that were published
within the past 2 to 3 years will still be relevant (with the past 5 years) at the point of
Note: The problem space for the dissertation study should primarily come from
the empirical research literature or studies dated within 3 to 5 years of the
learner's projected graduation date. This is a recommendation, not a rule.
Dissertations can be used in the literature review; however, one must supplement
dissertation citations with citations from other peer-reviewed research on the
Fourth, de�ne the topic and problem statement by synthesizing the recent studies,
including trends, and de�ne what still needs to be understood.
While the verbiage in this section highlights a set of steps designed to help Grand Canyon
University (GCU) doctoral learners identify what still needs to be understood for their
studies, there are other methods that can be used. These include replication studies,
recommendations for future research from prior studies and literature reviews, adding to a
broadly researched area through clearly targeted research, reframing problems, and
synthesizing areas of research to de�ne a new or innovative area of research. This section
must clearly identify the speci�c sources that form the basis for what will become the
problem for the study.
To complete this section, the learner describes how the study is situated within the problem
space discussed. The learner should also describe how the study may add to the body of
literature. Finally, the learner should discuss any potential practical or professional
applications that might occur as an outcome or application of the study.
Learners can access further information on these strategies on the DC Network
( website under the Residency tab (on
the left side of the Home page). Also, see the video
he_literature_1st_steps_to_your_dis) by Dr. June Maul regarding �nding the gap in the
Approach to Justifying the Need for a Study: There Are Many Options
Prior to designing a research study, doctoral learners, as well as experienced researchers, must de�ne and
justify the need for conducting the study. There is a variety of ways to accomplish this goal. Some approaches
may appear to be easier, such as arguing the scienti�c basis for needing to duplicate and replicate studies,
while others may appear much more complex and require synthesizing research from a number of different
areas or a number of different points of view. To justify the need, the researcher must employ sound logical
arguments and support those arguments from the literature. Several options are presented in this section:
replicating, identifying recommendations for future research, and adding to the results of existing studies
(Maul, 2016).
One route a researcher can take to justifying a need for a study is to conduct a replication study. There are
three different approaches to replication: duplication, generalization, and extension (Laerd Dissertation, n.d.).
Sometimes, replication is associated with duplication. For example, the GCU doctoral learner may take a piece
of published research and repeat it, using an identical approach to determine if the results obtained are the
same as those of the original authors. In other cases, the researcher will request the original data that was
collected and reanalyze it to check that the original authors were accurate in their analysis techniques (Laerd
Dissertation, n.d.; Maul, 2016).
In contrast to replication, duplication has a very narrow focus, which has led some journal editors to shy away
from accepting replication studies. The reality is that most research, whether completed by academics or
dissertation learners at the undergraduate, graduate, or doctoral level, involves either generalization or
extension. This may simply be replicating a study to determine whether the �ndings are generalizable or
applicable with a different population, sample, setting, context, or across treatment conditions. Another route
to replication can involve the researcher extending the results of prior studies to take into account new
research designs, methods, measurement procedures, and/or data-analysis techniques. These different types
of replication studies then can be labeled as duplication, generalization, or extension research. In many cases,
researchers use these terms interchangeably, or researchers may even combine parts of each method or
choose to take one approach (Laerd Dissertation, n.d.; Maul, 2016).
Recommendations for Future Research
Often, doctoral learners and other researchers will review the recommendations authors of research studies
make for future research. For example, Chapter 5 in the GCU dissertation affords researchers the opportunity to
share their recommendations for future study. This can be one of the easier routes to use in developing the set
of arguments for conducting a study; however, the recommendation alone is not enough to substantiate a need
for a study. The researcher should identify the reasons for conducting the study beyond the various
researchers' recommendation. This is done through citing the need based on the work of other authors and
researchers. Many of these recommendations include replicating a study. However, some also recommend
new and different studies. Many times, these recommendations are based on limitations from the existing
study (Maul, 2016).
Literature Reviews
Another source for recommended studies is literature reviews on a broad topic. A literature review often spans
a period of 10 years or more. It reviews the nature of the research done during that period. In the synthesis of
that research, it recommends other future research (Maul, 2016).
Adding to the Results of Studies Conducted in a Broadly Researched Area
There are very broadly researched topic areas that have had hundreds if not thousands of studies completed in
them (Maul, 2016). Two areas appear concurrently in the disciplines of education, business, and psychology
though with different focuses in these three disciplines. One broad area of study is the relationship of
leadership and organizational climate. These include studies such as the correlation of leadership behaviors or
traits and measures of climate or measures of employee or teacher satisfaction. Some of the different
leadership areas include transformational leadership and servant leadership. One could add to this �eld as
new models of leadership such as spiritual leadership are introduced. Another area studied in psychology,
education, and business is the effectiveness of the use of games (and related approaches) for learning.
Quasi-experimental designs often are used in the social sciences. It is easy to justify the use of different
gaming technologies, actual games speci�c to topics such as math, or even simulations particularly in
business and strategy (Maul, 2016). An example in education occurs when a doctoral researcher identi�es a
topic of interest as inclusion classrooms. He/she identi�es a study whereby a survey was created to measure
general education teacher perceptions of inclusion. Another researcher built on that study by conducting it in
a different setting. A recommendation for future research was conducting a qualitative study with interviews
of teacher perceptions of the topic. Thus, the doctoral research combined the two studies. He/she administered
the survey to a sample of general education teachers, but also conducted interviews with those teachers to
glean further insight on their perspectives of teaching learners with special needs in the inclusive setting of
the general education classroom.
Integrating Two or More Areas of Research
Future studies can often be justi�ed by integrating two or more areas of research. For example, there are
quantitative as well as qualitative studies exploring leadership behaviors/practices and climate or culture, and
there are studies exploring the relationship of climate and performance (Maul, 2016). These three variables
could be integrated to explore the relationship of leadership behaviors/practices, climate or culture, and
organizational or individual results—either as a quantitative or qualitative study. While many of these studies
�nd and can explain positive results, not all studies do so. As such, part of the justi�cation is to be able to
ultimately generalize the results and create theories (Maul, 2016).
Reframing Problems
When conducting research, many topics are stated as problems (Maul, 2016). One might research what leads to
homelessness or why Black males drop out of college. In part, this is due to a predisposition of the human
brain to identify problems rather than state the area of solution needed (Maul, 2016). For example, one GCU
dissertation focused on the literature on homelessness in women (Combs, 2012). All the homelessness studies
found were about the causes of the problem. This learner reframed the issue to learn what enabled a group of
successful women to overcome homelessness. This process of reframing can lead to more innovative research
(Maul, 2016).
Synthesis of Areas of Research to De�ne a New/Innovative Area of Research
More advanced researchers may synthesize information and recommendations from a number of areas to
de�ne a new approach not yet taken by anyone in research. Many of these may appear to be unrelated;
however, through the process of synthesis, they are used to create a new area for research. This type of
research often can be driven by a social or business need (Maul, 2016). For example, a study in the preliminary
phases of being conducted by faculty members at one college investigated the use of ZOOM as an interactive
tool for doctoral learners and their dissertation committees (Berman et al., 2016). The literature identi�ed
several needs for this study:
1. There is need to identify tactics to retain doctoral learners.
2. Online doctoral programs are increasing and need to become more effective.
3. There is a need to develop doctoral learners (especially online) into researchers.
4. There is a need to use techniques such as video conferencing not only in teaching, but also in building
relationships with and between learners.
5. Some research identi�ed that a video presence can also increase social presence.
6. Doctoral learners often feel isolated. (Berman et al., 2016)
As a result, the topic de�ned focuses on how the use of ZOOM for coaching doctoral learners in�uences
psychological factors such as social presence, social isolation, motivation, and research self-ef�cacy, which
are all known to lead to increased retention (Berman et al., 2016).
There are several methods doctoral learners can use to identify and justify the problem space for a research
study. Ultimately, it is imperative the learner move from a topic of interest to identifying a research-based
problem space for their study. An important part of this process, again, leads back to the literature review and
reading widely and broadly on the topic. To justify the need, it is important that the researcher employ sound
logical arguments and support those arguments from the literature (Maul, 2016).
Bringing the Reader Current
The role and responsibility of the researcher is to provide a reasonable level of context for the study, ensuring
that the reader follows the path and purpose of the dissertation to understand the problem space that exists.
This, in turn, provides the justi�cation for the research study and serves the greater body of knowledge and
humanity. The doctoral researcher, therefore, has a responsibility to bring the reader current about everything
known about the topic up to the time of publication of the study. What do industry leaders, academicians, and
experts know about this �eld of study and about the existing problem spaces in research? Consider again the
onboarding of a new member of a company team. The role of the trainer is to provide background and context
for the newly hired employee by communicating everything he/she needs to know about the history, mission,
and purpose (background) of the company and the new employee's role (context) in the company. The role of
the researcher is similar in that the doctoral researcher provides background and context for the reader to
understand how the research �lls the identi�ed research problem space. The researcher identi�es for the
reader what experts, scholars, and academicians in the �eld know about this �eld of study to date as well as
what they still do not know. The difference between the known and the unknown is the problem space that
forms the foundation of the dissertation study and provides relevance for the study.
For example, if medicine cures 85% of the types of leukemia that exist, then 15% of the types remain yet
incurable. When conducting a study related to the remaining 15%, then, the researcher must explain all that is
known about the curable 85% to provide historical context and a foundation for the reader. The researcher
must then explain what remains unknown (the other 15% is also known as a problem space in research),
building on the understanding and �ndings of previous research. Within this 15%, then, the researcher
identi�es a speci�c focus of the continued research. What piece of this unknown represents the focus of the
particular study? How will this study contribute to the greater body of knowledge by moving the
understanding of this topic forward? In the context of the current example, how will new research contribute
to the understanding of what is not yet understood about strains of leukemia that are not yet curable?
The important element here is the continuity of connection to past research. Research including the doctoral
dissertation study does not live in a vacuum. Instead, the doctoral study, like all research, �ts into the
academic circle of life, building on the work of those researchers who came before with the goal of expanding
this knowledge base and moving the overall understanding and knowledge of a topic forward. Again, if one
looks at the problem space of what is known (85%) and what remains unknown (15%), a clear identi�cation of a
problem space exists, justifying the need for further study. This problem space includes the identi�cation of
additional questions for which the doctoral study is in search of answers. The research study becomes a piece
of the puzzle within the larger academic body of knowledge on which others may build to continue moving
the process forward. This process of moving understanding forward is known as knowledge management.
As researchers continue to explore their topics, they learn to sift,
sort, and separate available knowledge, deciding which
information to include in the literature review and which may not
meet quality standards. Subsequently, the researcher manages the
knowledge acquired from the research efforts as part of the
process of creating synthesis of research studies and articles on
the topic. In essence, the researcher becomes a detective on a
quest to identify from the extant research inconsistencies,
misalignments, and omissions, as well as debates among scholars
and experts regarding conclusions and �ndings from research
data. On this quest, there are several strategies doctoral learners can use to identify problem spaces. Through a
systematic review of the literature, they can identify what researchers have discovered about the topic and
what they have yet to discover. As doctoral learners read, they should document questions that arise. Finding
no answers to those questions may mean they have discovered a problem space in the literature. While
reading, learners can examine the abstract, introduction, and recommendations for future study in the
On a practical note, doctoral learners can review recommendations for future study in the end sections of a
research study or examine Chapter 5 of a dissertation. Upon completion of a dissertation study, the doctoral
researcher offers recommendations for further study. These recommendations include evaluation of the study
along with suggestions that future researchers may consider. Knowing the recommendations for future
research may lead a researcher to investigate a potential problem space, but a list of researcher
recommendations is not suf�cient to justify the need for a study. Further exploration and explanation of the
reasons for a problem space must be addressed.
Research Problem vs. Topic of InterestUpon identi�cation of the problem space to be explored in the dissertation study, the next step is to move
further from the topic of interest to a problem, and then from a problem to an empirical-based research study
that formalizes the problem statement and includes a purpose statement for the study. Remember, the search
for a topic may begin with a researcher's initial interest; however, a doctoral dissertation study requires much
more than personal curiosity.
Ideally, one might think strategically of a topic that not only piques one's interest, but strategically supports
the doctoral learner's future career goals as well. Upon completion of the dissertation, the doctoral scholar
becomes an emerging expert in the �eld of the dissertation study. One can use an outcome-based approach,
where the goal is to start at the end and work backward. This approach begins with asking appropriate
questions, such as
What type of expertise does the researcher intend to gain as a result of this doctoral study?
What kind of expert might the doctoral learner picture himself or herself after graduation?
If one can visualize what the future may look like, one might consider selecting a topic and �nding the
research problem space that supports both the learner's passion and career ambitions, as well as one that
meets GCU guidelines for appropriate doctoral-level research.
As doctoral learners transition from a topic of interest to a problem worthy of doctoral study, they must clearly
identify why a need for this research remains. To do so, begin by considering what questions remain
unanswered within a particular �eld of study as identi�ed within this problem space. What remains unknown
that is important to this �eld of study? What questions are experts debating that remain unanswered that are
important to leaders within the �eld? For example, in the �eld of leukemia research, according to the Mayo
Clinic (2016), "acute lymphocytic leukemia [common in children] can also occur in adults, though the chance
of a cure is greatly reduced" (para. 3). Thus, in this speci�c area, a problem space exists regarding knowledge
of this speci�c form of leukemia, which speci�cally for adults has no known cure.
Establishing and Rationalizing the Signi�cance of the Problem
Moving from a topic of interest (a topic one is simply curious about) to a topic worthy of doctoral study as part
of an original contribution is an important distinction. A research study is far more than simply a class
assignment or a research paper. Conducting a dissertation study requires careful evaluation of the topic before
proceeding further. This section adds one more element to this evaluation regarding the signi�cance of the
The signi�cance of the problem considers how many people are in need of answers to this problem. For
example, is this a topic of value to only a few people in a small organization, or is there an implication for a
broader and expanded interest and concern for answers that the study may �nd? When considering a topic,
the doctoral researcher needs to address the signi�cance of the problem. Although the problem might not rise
to the level of solving world hunger, the problem must be of concern to an academic �eld of study for which
many people would be interested in the �ndings or results. Additionally, that a doctoral researcher observes an
absence of research in their respective area of focus is not enough to substantiate or justify signi�cance (Cai et
al., 2019). As outlined above, locating and �lling a problem space in the research is to connect previous
research to current research to continue to shape the conversation and advance the �eld of study.
For example, a researcher might have an interest in the �eld of leadership and might consider furthering
career leadership ambitions within the �eld of accounting. Therefore, becoming an expert in the �eld of
accounting leadership holds potential career possibilities. In observing issues around the of�ce, many people
report a frustrating problem, offering an opportunity for research into this issue in an effort to help; the
employees report frustration about the amount of time the company allows for vacation and personal time in
the of�ce. In using a critical thinking strategy, the researcher begins by asking simple questions. Is this
It's not what we know or what we
think we know, it is what we can
prove that is the focus of research.
problem simply at this of�ce? Is this a problem that others may also share in the �eld of accounting, or is it
simply something unique to this company? Because of the identi�cation of this problem of vacation time and
job satisfaction, the logical next step for the doctoral researcher is to begin reading on the topic in search of
additional research studies to determine what research exists that might merit moving this topic from a
workplace issue to identi�cation as a possible problem space that merits a study.
Initial research indicates that the problem is one of turnover. Since 2013, for some reason that may or may not
be related to the amount of vacation and personal time the company offers, there has been a 50% increase in
people leaving the company. This 50% represents 50 people who have left in the past 18 months. Upon
conducting some simple research, the researcher �nds that the cost of one person leaving a company could
range from several thousands of dollars to several hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, depending on the
cost of hiring and training a replacement for the person leaving in a particular position and �eld of expertise.
Further research indicated that this problem is not just at this accounting �rm, but exists at many accounting
�rms, potentially within the state, region, and perhaps throughout the country. Since 2013, for some reason,
turnover increased dramatically, beginning an increasing trend at great cost to accounting �rms. Did people
quit over the issue of vacation and personal time, or is there another reason to consider? There then is
tremendous value in this research if it could be determined why so many accountants voluntarily quit each
year. Notably, this research might have signi�cant value to a CEO or board of directors of an accounting �rm
because, if company leaders knew the answers to why accountants continued to leave, company leadership
might be able to put programs in place to �x this problem and stop this huge expense from negatively
in�uencing the pro�tability of the company. Consequently, the magnitude of this program is indeed of
signi�cance to the company as well as to the �eld of accounting. Because of this potential signi�cance, if
corroborated by empirical evidence, a justi�cation may exist for conducting research in this area.
It is important to bear in mind that the purpose of research is simply to either explore possible answers
(qualitative research) or to con�rm what one thinks one might know as the answer (quantitative research).
The researcher must be prepared for all possible explanations in an attempt to �nd probable solutions of value
to business owners, organizational leaders, and the academic community. Continuing with the accounting
leadership example, examination of key performance
indicators may establish whether a problem is of signi�cance
to a �eld. Once again, one can use this outcome-based
approach to look at the potential result of this study. What if
research found answers to the question of why accountants
quit? Might these answers make or save a company
signi�cant amounts of money each year? When one views this problem through the eyes of the business
owner or a CEO, one can objectively evaluate the merit of this research using cost-bene�t analysis. In this
example, there is signi�cant value to �nding a solution to this problem measured in terms of key performance
indicators such as cost, expense, return on investment (ROI), and return on assets (ROA). The process �nally
transitions from this problem-based research to an empirically based research study, as the focus is on what
one can prove rather than on what one knows, opines, or speculates. To be persuasive to the reader, writing
must extend beyond personal opinions and experiences, as well as simply a topic of interest.
Determine Signi�cance of the Problem ChecklistHow will a researcher know whether the topic of interest and problem are of interest to business owners,
educators, ecumenical leaders, or the rest of the industry in which the problem resides? To begin, start with
these four steps.
1. Who has the problem? Is the problem unique to just one organization or individual, or does the problem
in�uence other similar individuals, organizations, or the industry in general?
2. What is the current estimated cost of the problem? Costs may be tangible or intangible; the researcher
must consider both types of costs.
3. Is there a way to ask questions to gain answers that could be of value to those individuals or
organizations with the problem?
4. Describe the research previously conducted on this problem.
As one evaluates the importance of the problem to the overall �eld of study as well as to academic scholars in
search of answers, the next step includes exploration of the connection to the rest of the study. After
identifying a topic of interest, moving to a topic worthy of doctoral study by identifying the problem spaces
and the signi�cance of the problem spaces, it then becomes crucial to connect these pieces to the entire study.
Each chapter of the doctoral dissertation is important to the overall whole and each chapter has a role to play
as part of the process, which will be the focus of the next section.
How the Problem Space Informs the Development of OtherChapter Sections
Continuity of the dissertation study is vital to the success and quality of the overall writing. Each chapter does
not exist by itself. Instead, each chapter is a building block to the success and quality of the entire study. The
identi�ed problem space provides the foundation and justi�cation for the study as well as the ability to
connect all �ve chapters of the study.
Think of the identi�cation of a problem space as the thread woven throughout the entire �ve-chapter
dissertation study to bring congruency and connection to the study. Each chapter has its individual purpose.
Chapter 1 addresses the problem and purpose of the study. Chapter 2 presents the literature review to provide
context and justi�cation to the identi�ed problem space. Chapter 3 describes the methodology of the study to
allow others to understand, critique, and possibly duplicate the study. Chapter 4 presents the results and
�ndings of the study. Chapter 5 offers conclusions to the study and suggestions for further research that arose
during the process of the current study. The common thread throughout this tapestry is the identi�cation of
the missing stitch in the form of the questions not yet answered within a particular study. It is the
identi�cation of the problem space. It is explaining how this study will contribute to the greater body of
knowledge in a signi�cant way.
As this chapter began, the discussion centered on how to evaluate whether a topic of interest could be a
problem worthy of doctoral study. Questions to be addressed in making this determination include asking
whether the topic of interest is truly a problem for which industry leaders are seeking answers and whether
further study could add signi�cant value to the greater body of knowledge.
To return to the example of leukemia, one can easily see how the problem space of 15% included areas for
which cures and answers did not yet exist. To develop a meaningful research study, experts isolated one
particular avenue in which a need for answers was of vital importance to the �eld. The researchers clearly
identi�ed a problem space that existed within the scienti�c community for which further study was
necessary. The literature review was a means to justify the need for the study to the reader, including the
committee and the Institutional Review Board (IRB). For an audience who would directly bene�t from the
�ndings or results of the study, this justi�cation was more than the identi�cation of a problem; it was the
illumination of not only the depth of the problem, but also the value of �nding solutions.
Research is not the pursuit of an agenda or the quest for con�rmation of results; therefore, researchers must
prepare themselves for all possible answers. Even if the research produces negative results, the information
remains valuable, as the research indicates that this is a path that one need not follow.
Consider Edison and the invention of the light bulb. The signi�cance of the importance of the advances of
electricity cannot be overstated; however, not every path proved useful. Edison conducted many experiments
with each one adding to the body of knowledge of how not to build a light bulb. The �nal experiment was a
success story. The light bulb, however, would not have been possible without eliminating the wrong answers
and the wrong paths to pursue. These negative research results were in no way less valuable to the overall
process than the �nal success. Each step in the process offered a connection between past research and the
learning from each failed experiment along the way. It is necessary for doctoral researchers to value and
prepare for all possible answers.
Student Examples of the Development of the Problem Space and ProblemStatement
A researcher needs to ensure that the information provided about a study is well aligned. The research must
ensure that the "Background of the Problem" section �ows out of the proposed topic in the "Introduction"
section. The stated need or gap for the study leads to the development of the one-sentence problem statement
in the "Problem Statement" section. In addition, the literature from the "Background of the Problem" section
often contains models, theories, and concepts potentially used to develop the "Theoretical Foundations"
section of the dissertation. The researcher must ensure that the "Theoretical Foundations" section aligns with
the "Problem Statement" section and provides the theories, models, and/or concepts to develop the research
questions for a qualitative study as well as the research questions and hypotheses for a quantitative study.
Example: Qualitative
With an understanding of how to construct the problem space, it is meaningful to read and re�ect on how the
two examples below illustrate the requirements for alignment. The title for the proposed study was "Perceived
Resilience and Success of Non-traditional Doctoral Level Students: A Case Study" (Sandoval, 2016). This
section of the proposal for this study began with the approach of identifying a societal need. In this section,
Sandoval �rst discussed the current societal or social issue to reduce attrition in doctoral programs:
Doctoral program attrition impacts not only the university but also the doctoral students. Doctoral
programs historically have the largest attrition rates of all post-baccalaureate programs, with rates as
high as 43% (Ampaw & Jaeger, 2012). Many researchers have studied doctoral attrition and what
factors impact or contribute to students leaving their doctoral programs (Hart, 2012). High attrition is
not only a problem for university reputations. It also negatively impacts students �nancially and
emotionally, leading to an increased need to examine how universities can help curb attrition.
(Spaulding & Rockinson-Szapkiw, 2012). (p. 2)
In the next paragraph, Sandoval then explored the broad area of research on the challenges associated with
completing a doctoral degree and the role of resilience, a broad area of related research. This section focuses
directly on challenges faced by nontraditional doctoral students. Then the researcher identi�ed the broad area
of resilience as a capability for overcoming challenges faced.
With the increasing availability of online doctoral programs, the challenges associated with
completing a doctoral degree have increased in variety and complexity. Doctoral learners are no
longer only those who can commit to full-time studies at a traditional institution. Many non-
traditional doctoral students take online doctoral programs. These non-traditional students must have
the capability to overcome various obstacles, formally known as having resilience (Hee Lee et. al,
2013). Castro et. al (2011) have shown negative outside in�uences experienced during a doctoral
program may have an impact on motivation to succeed, both positive and negative. For example,
recent research identi�ed doctoral students with minor dependents show statistically more resilience
and tend to be more successful in their doctoral programs than those without (Martinez, et. al, 2013).
On the other hand, Gardner, et. al (2012) found part-time doctoral students to have a more dif�cult time
completing their doctoral programs than full-time doctoral students. (Sandoval, 2016, p. 2–3)
The section next presents future research recommendations from current studies from the past �ve years.
This section concludes by presenting the problem statement for the research based on these current
On the other hand, Gardner et al. (2012) found part-time doctoral students to have a more dif�cult time
completing their doctoral programs than full-time doctoral students. They suggest further research
should be done to identify reasons for this phenomenon. In addition, Gardner and Gopaul (2012) and
Castro, et. al (2011) stated further research needs to be completed on why different life events, which
contribute to resiliency during doctoral programs, have different impacts on learner motivation to
succeed. Based on the de�ned gap, the problem statement for this research will be it is not known
how online doctoral students perceive resilience factors contributed to their doctoral completion.
(Sandoval, 2016, p. 3)
The researcher developed the historical background from the presentation used to de�ne the problem space
(here referred to as the need for the study/gap). The slide in Figure 6.1 shows the areas of societal need, broad
area of research, and future recommendations.
Once learners have an understanding of how to select and think through using the theories, models, and/or
concepts needed to provide the theoretical framework for the study, they should take a few minutes to read
and re�ect on how the two examples below illustrate the requirements for this section. The Sandoval (2016)
Figure 6.1
Background of the Problem Section De�ning the Gap or Need for Future Research for a Qualitative Study
Note. Adapted from Sandoval, 2016, slide 5.
example mentioned earlier in this chapter is qualitative. This used a single psychological model on resilience.
In this section, Sandoval (2016) �rst named and described the model:
This proposed research will use a psychological model of resilience to provide the theoretical
foundation for this section. Resilience is de�ned as the ability to adapt to extreme circumstances and
using those experiences to achieve positive outcomes and success despite adversity (Fraser, Richman,
& Galinsky, 1999). (p. 4)
Sandoval then relates it to the research focus and problem statement, identifying the two models she will use
(resilience and retention). Resilience, a three-part model, can provide the foundation for describing how
students succeed by overcoming challenges. The retention model will support the student success factors. The
researcher concludes the paragraph and identi�es that it will be used to develop the research questions and
guide the data collection, "These models will provide the theoretical framework to develop the research
questions as well as the data collection approaches for this proposed research" (Sandoval, 2016, p. 5).
On the other hand, Gardner, et. al (2012) found part-time doctoral students to have a more dif�cult time
completing their doctoral programs than full-time doctoral students. They suggest further research
should be done to identify reasons for this phenomenon. In addition, Gardner and Gopaul (2012) and
Castro, et. al (2011) stated further research needs to be completed on why different life events, which
contribute to resiliency during doctoral programs, have different impacts on learner motivation to
succeed. Based on the de�ned gap, the problem statement for this research will be it is not known
how online doctoral students perceive resilience factors contributed to their doctoral completion.
(Sandoval, 2016, p. 3)
The researcher developed the "Theoretical Foundations" section from the presentation used to de�ne her 10
Strategic Points and present them to her chair and methodologist. The slide in Figure 6.2 shows the various
models, describes them, and then identi�es that the three research questions were developed using
Richardson's metatheory of resilience.
Figure 6.2
Theoretical Foundations Section Describing the Models for the Study and Their Use in Developing the Three ResearchQuestions for a Qualitative Study
Example: Quantitative
A similar approach was used to develop the "Background of the Problem" section for a quantitative study. The
title for this quantitative study was: "A Perception Study: Relationship of Teacher-Perceived Supervisor's Level
of Emotional Intelligence and Special Education Teacher Job Satisfaction" (Perez, 2016). In this section, Perez
�rst discussed the current societal or social issue of an increasing demand for special education teachers,
while at the same time facing higher attrition rates than other subject area teachers:
From a societal perspective, the demand for Special Education teachers continues to rise and at the
same time the attrition rate continues to increase, creating a challenge for schools to �nd and retain
suf�cient numbers of Special Educations teachers. Special Education (SpEd) teachers are in high
demand all over the nation in response to an attrition rate higher than any other subject area teacher
(Adera & Bullock, 2010; Cancio, Albrecht & Johns, 2013). A broad area of study which may address this
societal need comes from the literature on Emotional Intelligence (EI) which suggests that higher
levels of EI produce positive individual results including higher levels of job satisfaction,
organizational commitment, and job performance. Looking speci�cally at an educational setting,
current literature has demonstrated EI and job satisfaction predict organizational commitment for
secondary teachers (Akomolafe & Olatomide, 2013). (p. 2)
The next paragraph explores recent studies from the broad area of research on the relationship of emotional
intelligence (EI) to employee satisfaction. This section discusses the relationship of EI to job satisfaction and
job performance.
Note: Adapted from Sandoval, 2016, slide 7.
Recent studies from this broad area of research have stated the need for further research between the
areas of emotional intelligence of leaders and its relationship to the job satisfaction of employees
including teachers. In a non-academic setting, Vidyarthi et al. (2014) found the EI of leaders
demonstrated a signi�cant, positive correlation with the job performance of their employees. However,
Vidyarthi et al. (2014) also stated that there is a need to continue research in this area and explore the
relationship between leader's emotional perceptions and employee's attitudes – speci�cally job
satisfaction. (Perez, 2016, p. 3)
The section next presents future research recommendations from current studies from the past three years. In
the �nal paragraph she identi�es the articles she synthesized and the focus for her proposed research, which
introduces the basis for her problem statement with the phrase "focus on determining if there is a relationship
between SpEd teachers' perceptions of their immediate supervisors' level of EI and those same SpEd teachers'
level of job satisfaction" (Perez, 2016, p. 3):
Looking at a population of teachers who worked with students who had emotional and behavioral
disabilities, Cancio et al. (2013) found that administrative support was signi�cantly correlated with
teacher job satisfaction. However, Cancio et al. (2013) utilized teachers within a professional
organization, which might have provided them with additional supports that skewed their results.
Cancio et al. (2013) recommended that future studies should look at the relationship between
administrator support and teacher job satisfaction outside of a professional support organization.
Therefore, the current study will bring together the recommendations of Vidyarthi et al. (2014) and
Cancio et al. (2013) and focus on determining if there is a relationship between SpEd teachers'
perceptions of their immediate supervisors' level of EI and those same SpEd teachers' level of job
satisfaction. (Perez, 2016, p. 3)
The researcher developed the historical background from the presentation used to de�ne the 10 Strategic
Points and present them to the chair and methodologist. The slide in Figure 6.3 shows the areas of societal
need in the �rst bullet, broad area of research in the next two bullets, and future recommendations in the last
two bullets.
Figure 6.3
Background of the Problem Section De�ning the Gap or Need For Future Research for a Quantitative Study
Perez (2016) used a similar approach as Sandoval (2016) to develop the "Theoretical Foundations" section for a
quantitative study. In this section, notice that the researcher identi�es two models, one for each of the two
variables, EI and job satisfaction, providing a single paragraph for each of these two models. She �rst describes
the EI model, identifying its developer and the relationship to the focus and problem statement for the study.
Finally, she describes how it will be used to construct the research question.
EI ability model. The EI ability model was selected for the area of Emotional Intelligence (EI). The EI
ability model states that EI is a separate intelligence and it can be measured as such (Mayer, Salovey,
Caruso & Sitarenios, 2001). The EI Ability Model it describes a type of intelligence that operates based
on the emotional content that is present and can be measured as a separate intelligence (Caruso,
Mayer & Salovey, 2002). As de�ned by seminal EI researchers Salovey and Mayer (1990), EI is "the
subset of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor one's own and others' feelings and
emotions, to discriminate among them and to use this information to guide one's thinking and
actions" (p. 189). The current study will extend literature on the EI ability model by focusing on the
perceived performance and demonstration of psychological attributes that have a direct link to
management of emotions. Both of the research questions will build upon EI literature and the Ability
Model through the analysis of a perceived overall EI ability score measured as an independent
construct – and its relationship to teacher job satisfaction. (Perez, 2016, p. 5)
The next paragraph then describes the second model, which is on job satisfaction, the second variable in her
study. She describes how the model evolved over time ending with the version used for this study comprising
three components of job satisfaction, indicating that an instrument exists to measure this variable.
Note. Adapted from Perez, 2016, slide 4.
Locke's model of job satisfaction. Job satisfaction is a highly saturated area of research, as it has been
around for nearly a century and over this time has carried many different de�nitions and purposes.
Recognizing the need for a more consistent model of job satisfaction, Locke, Smith, Kendall, Hulin, and
Miller (1964) set out to rede�ne the construct and create a foundation for which it could be studied.
Locke (1968) stated job satisfaction is an emotional reaction, which contains three key elements: (1)
perception of the job, (2) implicit or explicit value standard, and (3) a judgment of the relationship
between the two. This value-based model of JS was one of the �rst to look at something other than
expectations or needs. Additionally, Locke et al. (1964) highlighted the importance of considering
what areas respondents could reasonably discriminate – and found that pay, promotion, and
supervision were three areas with the highest convergent and discriminant validity. The current
study will extend literature on Locke's model of job satisfaction through the use of a job satisfaction
instrument that includes the 3 subareas identi�ed by Locke in order to measure the job satisfaction of
SpEd teachers. (Perez, 2016, p. 5–6)
The researcher developed her 'Theoretical Foundations" section from the presentation used to de�ne her 10
Strategic Points and present them to her chair and methodologist. The slide in Figure 6.4 identi�es the two
variables for this quantitative study, for which theories or models will help frame the research questions and
Figure 6.4
Theoretical Foundations Section Identifying the Variables in a Quantitative Study for which Models are Required
Note. Adapted from Perez, 2016, slide 6
A second slide (Figure 6.5) presents the models that provide the theoretical foundation for each of the two
variables. Later in the presentation, the researcher identi�es the instruments that exist for each of these
models and that will be used to collect the data for the variables.
The purpose of this chapter was to discuss the identi�cation of a problem space that could lead to the creation
of a dissertation beginning with interest in a speci�c topic. The chapter discussed strategies of evaluation for
determining whether a topic of interest is enough to move beyond simple curiosity to form the basis of a
worthy research study. Once determined worthy of further investigation, the chapter presented strategies for
moving from a topic of interest to problem and purpose statements that identify the problem space in research
and form a solid foundation for a successful dissertation of signi�cant interest to those in the academic �eld of
Checks for Understanding1. What is a problem space? Why is this problem space important to the doctoral process?
2. Where and how does one establish a problem space?
3. What is the difference between a topic of interest and a research study?
Figure 6.5
Theoretical Foundations Section Identifying the Model for Each of the Variables in a Quantitative Study
Note. Adapted from Perez, 2016, slide 10.
Berman, R., Maul, J., & Ames, C. (2016). How use of Zoom for coaching doctoral learners in�uences
psychological factors such as social presence, social isolation, motivation and research self-ef�cacy,
which are known to lead to increased retention. Unpublished manuscript, College of Doctoral Studies,
Grand Canyon University, Phoenix, Arizona.
Cai, J., Morris, A., Hohensee, C., Hwang, S., Robison, V., Cirillo, M., … & Hiebert, J. (2019). Theoretical framing as
justifying. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 50(3), 218–224.
Cain, F. (2012, January 5). Why Pluto is no longer a planet.
Combs, B. R. (2012). A study of success factors and strategies that enabled women to overcome homelessness
[Doctoral dissertation, Grand Canyon University Dissertations & Theses @ Grand Canyon University. (Order
No. 3548739)
Laerd Dissertation. (n.d.). Route #1: Replication-based dissertations.
Maul, J. (2016). Various approaches to justifying the need for a research study. Unpublished manuscript.
Mayo Clinic. (2016). Acute lymphocytic leukemia [Web log post].
Perez, L. P. (2016). A perception study: Relationship of teacher-perceived supervisor's level of emotional
intelligence and special education teacher job satisfaction [Unpublished doctoral research prospectus].
Used with permission.
Perez, L. P. (2016). A perception study: Relationship of teacher-perceived supervisor's level of emotional
intelligence and special education teacher job satisfaction. [Unpublished doctoral research proposal
presentation]. Used with permission.
Sandoval, M. (2016). Perceived resilience and success of non-traditional doctoral level students: A case study.
[Unpublished doctoral research prospectus]. Used with permission.
Sandoval, M. (2016). Perceived resilience and success of non-traditional doctoral level students: A case study.
[Unpublished doctoral research proposal presentation]. Used with permission.
1. A problem space is the difference between what is known and what is not known about
a problem to justify the need to �nd these answers in doctoral-level research.
2. A problem space is found by identifying what is currently known about a problem and
what is not yet known.
3. A topic of interest is simple curiosity about a topic; a research study is based on the
foundation of a problem that requires in-depth analysis to search for answers
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