1 | P a g e
Broward 2018-19 K-12 Comprehensive Research-Based Reading Plan
Contact Information
The district contact should be the person ultimately responsible for the plan. This person will be FDOE’s contact for the K-12 Comprehensive Research-Based Reading Plan. Please designate one contact for your district.
District Contact: Mildred Grimaldo Contact Email: Mildred.Grimaldo@browardschools.com Contact Telephone: 754-321-1866
District-Level Leadership
District-level administrators must look at schools on an individual basis and distribute resources based on students’ and teachers’ levels of need. To describe the district system for monitoring reading instruction that differentiates school-level services, please address the following.
1. Districts should match or exceed the State Board goals for increasing FSA-ELAachievement by six percentile points, increasing the percentage of students makinglearning gains on the FSA-ELA by seven percentile points and reducing theachievement gap for the identified sub groups on the FSA-ELA by at least one-third by 2020. Please fill out the charts below with the actual results from the2015-2016 and 2016-2017 FSA-ELA and the interim district goals for 2020identified in the 2017-2018 Comprehensive Reading Plan.
Performance Goals
2015-2016 Actual
2016-2017 Goal
2016-2017 Actual
2017-2018 Goal
2017-2018 Actual
2018-2019 Goal
2019-2020 Goal
State Overall FSA-ELA 52 * 54 * 56 * 58
District Overall FSA-ELA 53
5655 57 58
59 61
Growth (Learning Gains) Goals
2015-2016 Actual
2016-2017 Goal
2016-2017 Actual
2017-2018 Goal
2017-2018 Actual
2018-2019 Goal
2019-2020 Goal
State Gains FSA-ELA 52 * 54 * 54 * 59District Gains FSA-ELA 54 55 57 57 57
58 61
2 | P a g e
State Achievement Gaps on FSA-ELA
2015-2016 Actual
2016-2017 Goal
2016-2017 Actual
2017-2018 Goal
2017-2018 Actual
2018-2019 Goal
2019-2020 Goal
White/African American 29 * 29 * 28 * 21
White/Hispanic 15 * 16 * 14 * 10 Economically Disadvantaged/Non-Economically Disadvantaged
27 * 27 * 26 * 19
Students with Disabilities/Students without Disabilities
37 * 38 * 38 * 25
English Language Learners/ Non-English Language Learners
30 * 32 * 31 * 20
District Achievement Gaps on FSA-ELA
2015-2016 Actual
2016-2017 Goal
2016-2017 Actual
2017-2018 Goal
2017-2018 Actual
2018-2019 Goal
2019-2020 Goal
White/African American 31 33 31 27 29
24 21
White/Hispanic 13 12 15 11 13 10 9 Economically Disadvantaged/Non-Economically Disadvantaged 28 27 27 27 27
22 19
Students with Disabilities/Students without Disabilities 36 34 36 31 35
28 24
English Language Learners/ Non-English Language Learners 27 34 28 31 26
28 18
* Values for subsequent years will be entered once results are available in order to trackprogress toward the 2020 goal.
1 | P a g e
Dade 2018-19 K-12 Comprehensive Research-Based Reading Plan
Contact Information
The district contact should be the person ultimately responsible for the plan. This person will be FDOE’s contact for the K-12 Comprehensive Research-Based Reading Plan. Please designate one contact for your district.
District Contact: Lisette Alves Contact Email: Lalves@dadeschools.net Contact Telephone: 305-995-4202
District-Level Leadership
District-level administrators must look at schools on an individual basis and distribute resources based on students’ and teachers’ levels of need. To describe the district system for monitoring reading instruction that differentiates school-level services, please address the following.
1. Districts should match or exceed the State Board goals for increasing FSA-ELAachievement by six percentile points, increasing the percentage of students makinglearning gains on the FSA-ELA by seven percentile points and reducing theachievement gap for the identified sub groups on the FSA-ELA by at least one-third by 2020. Please fill out the charts below with the actual results from the2015-2016 and 2016-2017 FSA-ELA and the interim district goals for 2020identified in the 2017-2018 Comprehensive Reading Plan.
Performance Goals
2015-2016 Actual
2016-2017 Goal
2016-2017 Actual
2017-2018 Goal
2017-2018 Actual
2018-2019 Goal
2019-2020 Goal
State Overall FSA-ELA 52 * 54 * 56 * 58
District Overall FSA-ELA 55 56 57 58 60
59 60
Growth (Learning Gains) Goals
2015-2016 Actual
2016-2017 Goal
2016-2017 Actual
2017-2018 Goal
2017-2018 Actual
2018-2019 Goal
2019-2020 Goal
State Gains FSA-ELA 52 * 54 * 54 * 59District Gains FSA-ELA 54 55 56 57 58
59 60
2 | P a g e
State Achievement Gaps on FSA-ELA
2015-2016 Actual
2016-2017 Goal
2016-2017 Actual
2017-2018 Goal
2017-2018 Actual
2018-2019 Goal
2019-2020 Goal
White/African American 29 * 29 * 28 * 21
White/Hispanic 15 * 16 * 14 * 10 Economically Disadvantaged/Non-Economically Disadvantaged
27 * 27 * 26 * 19
Students with Disabilities/Students without Disabilities
37 * 38 * 38 * 25
English Language Learners/ Non-English Language Learners
30 * 32 * 31 * 20
District Achievement Gaps on FSA-ELA
2015-2016 Actual
2016-2017 Goal
2016-2017 Actual
2017-2018 Goal
2017-2018 Actual
2018-2019 Goal
2019-2020 Goal
White/African American 21 21 19 18 37
17 14
White/Hispanic 18 17 20 17 18 16 12 Economically Disadvantaged/Non-Economically Disadvantaged 25 24 24 23 23
22 16
Students with Disabilities/Students without Disabilities 35 34 34 33 35
32 23
English Language Learners/ Non-English Language Learners 43 42 42 40 30
38 29
* Values for subsequent years will be entered once results are available in order to track progress toward the 2020 goal.
1 | P a g e
Monroe 2018-19 K-12 Comprehensive Research-Based Reading Plan
Contact Information
The district contact should be the person ultimately responsible for the plan. This person will be FDOE’s contact for the K-12 Comprehensive Research-Based Reading Plan. Please designate one contact for your district.
District Contact: Sarah Adams Morton Contact Email: sarah.morton@keysschools.com Contact Telephone: (305) 289-2480 x55343
District-Level Leadership
District-level administrators must look at schools on an individual basis and distribute resources based on students’ and teachers’ levels of need. To describe the district system for monitoring reading instruction that differentiates school-level services, please address the following.
1. Districts should match or exceed the State Board goals for increasing FSA-ELAachievement by six percentile points, increasing the percentage of students makinglearning gains on the FSA-ELA by seven percentile points and reducing theachievement gap for the identified sub groups on the FSA-ELA by at least one-third by2020. Please fill out the charts below with the actual results from the 2015-2016 and2016-2017 FSA-ELA and the interim district goals for 2020 identified in the 2017-2018Comprehensive Reading Plan.
Performance Goals
2015-2016 Actual
2016-2017 Goal
2016-2017 Actual
2017-2018 Goal
2017-2018 Actual
2018-2019 Goal
2019-2020 Goal
State Overall FSA-ELA 52 * 54 * 56 * 58
District Overall FSA-ELA 57 58 61 60 61
62 64
Growth (Learning Gains) Goals
2015-2016 Actual
2016-2017 Goal
2016-2017 Actual
2017-2018 Goal
2017-2018 Actual
2018-2019 Goal
2019-2020 Goal
State Gains FSA-ELA 52 * 54 * 54 * 59District Gains FSA-ELA 53 55 57 58 57
59 60
2 | P a g e
State Achievement Gaps on FSA-ELA
2015-2016 Actual
2016-2017 Goal
2016-2017 Actual
2017-2018 Goal
2017-2018 Actual
2018-2019 Goal
2019-2020 Goal
White/African American
29 * 29 * 28 * 21
White/Hispanic 15 * 16 * 14 * 10 Economically Disadvantaged/Non-Economically Disadvantaged
27 * 27 * 26 * 19
Students with Disabilities/Students without Disabilities
37 * 38 * 38 * 25
English Language Learners/ Non-English Language Learners
30 * 32 * 31 * 20
Achievement Gaps on FSA-ELA
2016-2017 Goal
2017-2018 Goal
2018-2019 Goal
2019-2020 Goal
White/African American 29 27
35 25 29 23 20
White/Hispanic 17 14 17 13 17 13 12 Economically
Disadvantaged/Non-Economically Disadvantaged
25 22
25 19 19 20 17
Students with Disabilities/Students without Disabilities
38 34
37 31 38 29 26
English Language Learners/ Non-
English Language Learners
35 37
40 34 34 34 27
* Values for subsequent years will be entered once results are available in order to track progress toward the 2020 goal. 2. Explain how expenditures from the allocation are expected to impact student
achievement in relation to your district goals. 100% of the expenditures from the allocation are utilized for salaries of Literacy Coaches. In short, coaches improve teaching, which improves learning, and ultimately results in increased student achievement.
1 | P a g e
Palm Beach 2018-19 K-12 Comprehensive Research-Based Reading Plan
Contact Information
The district contact should be the person ultimately responsible for the plan. This person will be FDOE’s contact for the K-12 Comprehensive Research-Based Reading Plan. Please designate one contact for your district.
District Contact: Diana Fedderman Contact Email: diana.fedderman@palmbeachschools.org Contact Telephone: 561-357-5989
District-Level Leadership
District-level administrators must look at schools on an individual basis and distribute resources based on students’ and teachers’ levels of need. To describe the district system for monitoring reading instruction that differentiates school-level services, please address the following.
1. Districts should match or exceed the State Board goals for increasing FSA-ELAachievement by six percentile points, increasing the percentage of students makinglearning gains on the FSA-ELA by seven percentile points and reducing theachievement gap for the identified sub groups on the FSA-ELA by at least one-third by 2020. Please fill out the charts below with the actual results from the2015-2016 and 2016-2017 FSA-ELA and the interim district goals for 2020identified in the 2017-2018 Comprehensive Reading Plan.
Performance Goals
2015-2016 Actual
2016-2017 Goal
2016-2017 Actual
2017-2018 Goal
2017-2018 Actual
2018-2019 Goal
2019-2020 Goal
State Overall FSA-ELA 52 * 54 * 56 * 58
District Overall FSA-ELA 55 57 56 59 58
61 63
Growth (Learning Gains) Goals
2015-2016 Actual
2016-2017 Goal
2016-2017 Actual
2017-2018 Goal
2017-2018 Actual
2018-2019 Goal
2019-2020 Goal
State Gains FSA-ELA 52 * 54 * 54 * 59District Gains FSA-ELA 55 57 56 59 57
61 63
2 | P a g e
State Achievement Gaps on FSA-ELA
2015-2016 Actual
2016-2017 Goal
2016-2017 Actual
2017-2018 Goal
2017-2018 Actual
2018-2019 Goal
2019-2020 Goal
White/African American 29 * 29 * 28 * 21
White/Hispanic 15 * 16 * 14 * 10 Economically Disadvantaged/Non-Economically Disadvantaged
27 * 27 * 26 * 19
Students with Disabilities/Students without Disabilities
37 * 38 * 38 * 25
English Language Learners/ Non-English Language Learners
30 * 32 * 31 * 20
District Achievement Gaps on FSA-ELA
2015-2016 Actual
2016-2017 Goal
2016-2017 Actual
2017-2018 Goal
2017-2018 Actual
2018-2019 Goal
2019-2020 Goal
White/African American 36 34 37 31 36
28 24
White/Hispanic 25 23 27 21 25 19 16 Economically Disadvantaged/Non-Economically Disadvantaged 31 29 33 27 33
24 21
Students with Disabilities/Students without Disabilities 36 33 35 30 35
27 24
English Language Learners/ Non-English Language Learners 37 34 40 31 38
28 25
* Values for subsequent years will be entered once results are available in order to track progress toward the 2020 goal. 2. Explain how expenditures from the allocation are expected to impact student
achievement in relation to your district goals. We plan to use the funds to impact student achievement by paying for salaries and benefits for 2 literacy managers and 1 literacy program planner. These positions will provide reading content support to school level administrators. They will also coordinate professional development and coaching services for schools based upon need and ensure that schools have appropriate reading curriculum materials and support for implementation. Funds will also be used for 14.1 literacy specialists and 1 resource teacher to implement professional development and coaching to support pedagogy and
- Broward1819-K12RP
- Broward1819-K12RP.pdf
- Structure Bookmarks
- Broward 2018-19 K-12 Comprehensive Research-Based Reading Plan
- Broward 2018-19 K-12 Comprehensive Research-Based Reading Plan
- Contact Information
- P
- The district contact should be the person ultimately responsible for the plan. This person will be FDOE’s contact for the K-12 Comprehensive Research-Based Reading Plan. Please designate one contact for your district.
- P
- P
- P
- District Contact: Mildred Grimaldo Contact Email: Mildred.Grimaldo@browardschools.com Contact Telephone: 754-321-1866
- P
- District-Level Leadership
- P
- District-level administrators must look at schools on an individual basis and distribute resources based on students’ and teachers’ levels of need. To describe the district system for monitoring reading instruction that differentiates school-level services, please address the following.
- P
- 1.Districts should match or exceed the State Board goals for increasing FSA-ELAachievement by six percentile points, increasing the percentage of students makinglearning gains on the FSA-ELA by seven percentile points and reducing theachievement gap for the identified sub groups on the FSA-ELA by at least one-third by 2020. Please fill out the charts below with the actual results from the2015-2016 and 2016-2017 FSA-ELA and the interim district goals for 2020identified in the 2017-2018 Comprehensive Reading
- 1.Districts should match or exceed the State Board goals for increasing FSA-ELAachievement by six percentile points, increasing the percentage of students makinglearning gains on the FSA-ELA by seven percentile points and reducing theachievement gap for the identified sub groups on the FSA-ELA by at least one-third by 2020. Please fill out the charts below with the actual results from the2015-2016 and 2016-2017 FSA-ELA and the interim district goals for 2020identified in the 2017-2018 Comprehensive Reading
- 1.Districts should match or exceed the State Board goals for increasing FSA-ELAachievement by six percentile points, increasing the percentage of students makinglearning gains on the FSA-ELA by seven percentile points and reducing theachievement gap for the identified sub groups on the FSA-ELA by at least one-third by 2020. Please fill out the charts below with the actual results from the2015-2016 and 2016-2017 FSA-ELA and the interim district goals for 2020identified in the 2017-2018 Comprehensive Reading
- P
- Performance Goals
- Performance Goals
- Performance Goals
- Performance Goals
- 2015-2016
- 2015-2016
- Actual
- 2016-2017
- 2016-2017
- Goal
- 2016-2017
- 2016-2017
- Actual
- 2017-2018
- 2017-2018
- Goal
- 2017-2018
- 2017-2018
- Actual
- 2018-2019
- 2018-2019
- Goal
- 2019-2020
- 2019-2020
- Goal
- State Overall FSA-ELA
- State Overall FSA-ELA
- State Overall FSA-ELA
- 52
- 52
- *
- *
- 54
- 54
- *
- *
- 56
- 56
- *
- *
- 58
- 58
- District Overall FSA-ELA
- District Overall FSA-ELA
- District Overall FSA-ELA
- 53
- 53
- 56
- 56
- 55
- 55
- 57
- 57
- 58
- 58
- 59
- 59
- 61
- 61
- TR
- TD
- P
- TD
- P
- TD
- P
- TD
- P
- TD
- P
- TD
- P
- TD
- P
- TD
- P
- Growth (Learning Gains) Goals
- Growth (Learning Gains) Goals
- Growth (Learning Gains) Goals
- 2015-2016
- 2015-2016
- Actual
- 2016-2017
- 2016-2017
- Goal
- 2016-2017
- 2016-2017
- Actual
- 2017-2018
- 2017-2018
- Goal
- 2017-2018
- 2017-2018
- Actual
- 2018-2019
- 2018-2019
- Goal
- 2019-2020
- 2019-2020
- Goal
- State Gains FSA-ELA
- State Gains FSA-ELA
- State Gains FSA-ELA
- 52
- 52
- *
- *
- 54
- 54
- *
- *
- 54
- 54
- *
- *
- 59
- 59
- District Gains FSA-ELA
- District Gains FSA-ELA
- District Gains FSA-ELA
- 54
- 54
- 55
- 55
- 57
- 57
- 57
- 57
- 57
- 57
- 58
- 58
- 61
- 61
- P
- State Achievement Gaps on FSA-ELA
- State Achievement Gaps on FSA-ELA
- State Achievement Gaps on FSA-ELA
- 2015-2016
- 2015-2016
- Actual
- 2016-2017
- 2016-2017
- Goal
- 2016-2017
- 2016-2017
- Actual
- 2017-2018
- 2017-2018
- Goal
- 2017-2018
- 2017-2018
- Actual
- 2018-2019
- 2018-2019
- Goal
- 2019-2020
- 2019-2020
- Goal
- White/African American
- White/African American
- White/African American
- 29
- 29
- *
- *
- 29
- 29
- *
- *
- 28
- 28
- *
- *
- 21
- 21
- White/Hispanic
- White/Hispanic
- White/Hispanic
- 15
- 15
- *
- *
- 16
- 16
- *
- *
- 14
- 14
- *
- *
- 10
- 10
- Economically Disadvantaged/Non-Economically Disadvantaged
- Economically Disadvantaged/Non-Economically Disadvantaged
- Economically Disadvantaged/Non-Economically Disadvantaged
- 27
- 27
- *
- *
- 27
- 27
- *
- *
- 26
- 26
- *
- *
- 19
- 19
- Students with Disabilities/Students without Disabilities
- Students with Disabilities/Students without Disabilities
- Students with Disabilities/Students without Disabilities
- 37
- 37
- *
- *
- 38
- 38
- *
- *
- 38
- 38
- *
- *
- 25
- 25
- English Language Learners/ Non-English Language Learners
- English Language Learners/ Non-English Language Learners
- English Language Learners/ Non-English Language Learners
- 30
- 30
- *
- *
- 32
- 32
- *
- *
- 31
- 31
- *
- *
- 20
- 20
- District Achievement Gaps on FSA-ELA
- District Achievement Gaps on FSA-ELA
- District Achievement Gaps on FSA-ELA
- 2015-2016
- 2015-2016
- Actual
- 2016-2017
- 2016-2017
- Goal
- 2016-2017
- 2016-2017
- Actual
- 2017-2018
- 2017-2018
- Goal
- 2017-2018
- 2017-2018
- Actual
- 2018-2019
- 2018-2019
- Goal
- 2019-2020
- 2019-2020
- Goal
- White/African American
- White/African American
- White/African American
- 31
- 31
- 33
- 33
- 31
- 31
- 27
- 27
- 29
- 29
- 24
- 24
- 21
- 21
- White/Hispanic
- White/Hispanic
- White/Hispanic
- 13
- 13
- 12
- 12
- 15
- 15
- 11
- 11
- 13
- 13
- 10
- 10
- 9
- 9
- Economically Disadvantaged/Non-Economically Disadvantaged
- Economically Disadvantaged/Non-Economically Disadvantaged
- Economically Disadvantaged/Non-Economically Disadvantaged
- 28
- 28
- 27
- 27
- 27
- 27
- 27
- 27
- 27
- 27
- 22
- 22
- 19
- 19
- Students with Disabilities/Students without Disabilities
- Students with Disabilities/Students without Disabilities
- Students with Disabilities/Students without Disabilities
- 36
- 36
- 34
- 34
- 36
- 36
- 31
- 31
- 35
- 35
- 28
- 28
- 24
- 24
- English Language Learners/ Non-English Language Learners
- English Language Learners/ Non-English Language Learners
- English Language Learners/ Non-English Language Learners
- 27
- 27
- 34
- 34
- 28
- 28
- 31
- 31
- 26
- 26
- 28
- 28
- 18
- 18
- * Values for subsequent years will be entered once results are available in order to track progress toward the 2020 goal.
- Link
- Dade1819-K12RP
- Dade1819-K12RP.pdf
- Monroe1819-K12RP
- PalmBeach1819-K12RP
- PalmBeach1819-K12RP.pdf