First Short paper..make your own histography The Greek development of historiography was a major new intellectual tool through which Humans could understand their lives and world. I will soon post a video on historiography. The sort of historiography

First Short paper..make your own histography

The Greek development of historiography was a major new intellectual tool through which Humans could understand their lives and world.  I will soon post a video on historiography. The sort of historiography Herodotus created, while it admitted stories and myths that had no factual basis, showed how he also understood that history is more than list of kings, political develops, wars and so forth. He realized that the political events of a country are tied to economic, environmental or cultural factors, which also influence each other. Here, in a paper of at least six hundred words (with a word count) create a passage of historiography which contains as many of these elements as you can include. You can even make a map if you wish. I have posted my own example in Course Documents. It does not need to be that elaborate. Paste your essay into the space below.

A description of the nations geography and topography
How the topography and geography relate to social and cultural history
Major cities and how they function
Patterns of agriculture and commerce.
Foundation myths
Political myths
Marriage customs
Forms of Government