After watching the film “Full Metal Jacket” produced and directed by Stanley Kubrick, complete a critical thinking analysis. Follow the rubric and make sure to be complete and thorough.
This is a true optional assignment and you will have to gain access to the film on your own. Tie in the chapter readings as you analyze Stanley Kubrick’s perspective.
1. The main purpose of this film is: ________________
(Why was the film developed? Was the probable audience others in the field, the average person, students who have to take a history class?!! It is hard to imagine that this film was not trying to convince someone of something. What is that in this film? )
2. The key question that the producer is addressing is ______________.
(This may look like the purpose, but it is not. Is there a question that the film addresses and tries to answer? What is that question?)
3. The most important information in this film is _______, _______, _______, ______.
(This is always the longest part of your analysis because here you will be listing the support the producer calls upon to convince you of what s/he is arguing. Think of the kinds of things that the producer mentions in support of his/her position and list them briefly here.)
4. The main conclusions in this film are _______, ______, _______, ________.
(So what did it amount to? What are we to conclude now that we have seen this film?)
5. What are the key concepts or themes that are developed in the film? How are they presented?
6. The main assumption(s) underlying the producers thinking is/are _______, _______.
(What is the filmmaker taking for granted [that might be questioned]? Most of us make some assumptions when we write or see films, even if it is as simple as My reader will understand this… or Everyone knows that…. Are there things that the filmmaker seems to be taking for granted that we might question? Is there evidence that the producer was influenced by his/her climate of opinion?)
7. What are the consequences of this filmmakers line of reasoning?
(Let us assume that we are convinced by what s/he says. Are there consequences to that? Maybe it will only shape how we see the past. Perhaps it will change how we see problems we face today. It might even change how we think of human nature or how people behave or how they organize themselves to accomplish common goals or respond the challenges and threats.)
8. The main point(s) of view presented by the producer in this film is/are ___________, _________.
(This is often the hardest part for students. You study POV in your English classes, and your insights there might help. What seems to be the frame of reference of the filmmaker? Does s/he show respect or sympathy or disdain, etc. for those people described or the events portrayed? How does the filmmaker seem to look at what is presented?)