Fanfiction Essay

Parts of this essay will be due on different dates. A First Draft will be Due on November 17th at 10PM and The Final Draft will be due on November 24th at 10 PM.

*Full instructions are attatched in the files*

The character(s) for this project will be from Sarah Cole: A Type of Love Story By Russell Banks.
*I have attatched the short story Sarah Cole A Type of Love Story in the files*
Please read it to understand the personalities of the character(s).

The fanfiction story that you must write needs to involve a character from the assigned reading. You then must put that character into a popular fandom to create a new fanfiction story. The fandom these characters will be put into I am leaving up to the writer. I only ask that the writer picks a popular fandom that is easily recognizable such as Harry potter, Star Wars, etc.

After writing a 5 page fanfiction story you need to write a 2 page analysis of the fanfiction you have written.