Faith Integration Week 6


Post a substantive response to the questions in the case below by 11:59 pm Tuesday night.  Include information from the weekly readings to support your response.

Post a substantive response to a minimum of one peer by 11:59 pm Thursday night .

Please see the Online Discussion Forums section of the course syllabus for complete instructions. The Faith Integration Rubric will be used to assess your postings.

Harry recently took over management of his family’s textile company. For more than thirty years his father ran the company with an iron hand. Workers of different nationalities, mostly Asian immigrants, were hired to reduce the chance of unionization. Wages continue to be paid on a piecework basisthat is, for actual sewing completed. Overall, workers’ earnings average $1.50 per hour over the federal minimum wage.

Schooled in Theory Y, Harry is troubled by what he sees. The sewing jobs are repetitive and boring. Little interaction occurs between the small cadre of white male executives and the predominantly female Asian line workers. Mid-level management positions are few, because employee output is so easily measured.
Reviewing the financial statements, Harry learns that the company has been modestly successful over the years. Return on investment is slightly above industry standards. Stiff international competition makes Harry hesitant to raise wages or alter “the system.”

Should Harry change the company’s management philosophy and structure? If so, how?
What risks does Harry run if he does not make any changes?
As you reflect on this chapter and your past experience(s) with employer/employee relations, what conclusions can you draw?
Describe at least one specific way in which you can apply what you have learned about employer/employee relations.