
For this coming week, aside from the usual online assignments and reading, I would like you to interview one or two family members, friends or acquaintances. Ideally, aim for the oldest person/people possible. Take note of their answers as it may be difficult to remember once you finish talking. Ask them the following questions:

1. Where were you born?

2. What was your childhood like? What class or social group were you in?

3. How much did you know about your country/region’s history as you grew up?

4. What were you told about your ‘people?’

5. How do you see your childhood shaping your political, social or economic views today?

Once you have the answers, please compose a 5 paragraph summary, shaping it into essay form, with an intro and conclusion. Then analyze it – add a thesis, or argument, to the paper. As always in college, write formally. You may of course use phone or email to interview if that’s more convenient.