
Please follow and see the instruction and uploaded additional materials(Instruction.pptx)

Make a question with the key words below.
Choe Choks key words: war, nationality, faith-displacement, identity, national identity, family, home. Kinship, survival, transforming, border crossing.
ex)How does the national identity represent? (do not use this ex)

1. Is the main question clear?
2. IS the main argument(the answer that you provide to the question you raised) convincing enough?
3.Is the argument supported by proper evidence from the text?
4. Does the essay have the introduction, body paragraphs, and the conclusion?
5. Does the introduction have the main question, the main argument, and the overview of the supportive points?
Introduction: The main question, The main argument,  The overview of the papers structure.
Argument: Select one main question that you want to solve in the paper; I argue that..
6. Is the essay organized with a clear logic?
7. Ie each paragraph have a clear point?
8. Does the essay cite the text in the proper format?

Does my question/ message make an logical arugument?
Does my question take