
The topic for this course is gifted education. The main premise of the project is to select an individual then answer the following elements that are found in the prompt. Please read the instructions document for more information. Also, please cite 2 articles from the ones that I had linked as well as the book. It can be a small citation, but please do add these citations.

Book: Clark, B. (2013). Growing up gifted: Developing the potential of children at school and at home (8th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson. ISBN: 9780132620666

The document “SPEProject_instructions” is the prompt and rubric that must be followed.
The document “Lession2Transcript” is the transcript for this module’s lesson.
The document “RequiredArticlesCite” are citations and you must pick two of the articles and use them as sources.

Please follow the prompt and use the book as a citation as well as 2 articles from what I had linked. Then the rest of the citations are up to you to decided and find. Please do take a look at the lesson transcript so that you know what is roughly being discussed. It is short but will give you a good overview.