Developing Adult

Discussion Post:
Which of Holland’s six personality types best explain what is important to YOU in choosing a job or career? Why? What are the second and third types that most are in line with why you choose a job or career?
Do you think these personality types are still relevant, or should all or some be updated? If you think updating is needed, which ones specifically?
If you think updating is needed, please give examples of what you would like to see as more contemporary personality types.

Discussion Post Requirements:
*  Your INITIAL Discussion post must be 2 substantive paragraphs answering the topic, with citations for your sources underneath – if you use information that is not your own – which is most of the time. A substantive paragraph is at least 5-8 sentences. 
* REPLIES TO CLASSMATES should be in response to a classmates post in which you further the conversation by adding a personal anecdote, asking a question, or adding more facts from the readings to your classmate’s post. Response posts to classmates must be substantive in nature, meaning at least four sentences and not simply, “I agree.” One and two sentence replies to classmates garner 1/2 credit. “I agree” garners NO credit.

Classmate 1 Reply:
The personality type that I identified with the most for picking a career was the intellectual personality type. Ive always been interested in careers that dealt with science, specifically healthcare. The second type that I was most in line with was the social personality type. Ive always been a people person. The third type I was most in line with was the realistic personality type. Im a very realistic person and I always use that to problem solve. 
I think these personality types are still relevant, but they still could be updated. All of these personality types can be updated to encompass more than one aspect of a personality. I think people are multifaceted, so there can be multiple personality traits that could lead someone to a particular career. For example, the artistic and social personality type could be combined. Its definitely possible to be a person who loves art but also loves being around people, so it led them to become an art teacher. 
Feldman, R. (2014). Development across the lifespan (7th ed., pp. 447-448). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Classmate 2 Reply:
I consider myself realist, most defiantly. In my pursuit of a career I knew I needed to be challenged. I knew I wanted something that required levelheaded thinking. Social and enterprising would be personality traits that correlate well with my personality and future career. I do tend to take charge when given tasks or when things need to get done. I can be more of an introvert in my personal life, but at work I am all about talking to my patients and coworkers. Nursing requires such a variety of personalities based on what area you work in; I believe almost any personality type could find a place in it. I cant really say that I think the personality types are outdated because I feel like everyone falls in all of them with a percentage in each one. Do I think that just because you scored higher in one certain area you could not work the job in the lowest area? no. I think they might give someone who has no clue what they want to do a push towards something they might find rewarding but should not be concrete.