
HI Hope you are well. I have added another essay for a friend. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks as always.
As cases of novel coronavirus infection proliferate around the world and governments take extraordinary measures to limit the spread, there is still a lot of confusion about what exactly the virus does to peoples bodies. With the basic understanding you already have on how the virus affects humans, make a thorough research and write an essay focused on the following questions:

What are the characteristics of the virus?
Describe the life cycle of the virus
What are the ways to contract the virus? How to prevent spreading?
What are the symptoms of the disease? How do we treat it?
How to perform tests to detect the virus?
What is the source of the novel coronavirus?
Who is at highest risk to contracting COVID-19?
Based on your research, is there reason to panic?
You must answer each of the above questions completely to receive full credit.

To receive 40 points of credit, you must submit an original essay containing 400-500 words no later than April 14, 2020, at 11:59 PM. The assignment must be in essay format!

Your essay will be checked against SafeAssign and any plagiarism will affect your grade. Be extra careful not to copy anything from internet sources without paraphrasing. Make sure to only add reputable sources and keep personal opinions out of your text. You can include citations in both MLA or APA format. Citations will not be counted in the overall length of the assignment and please let me know if you have any questions.