Conduct fieldwork online on Corona

-12pt times new Roman
-images, tables graphics as appendix
-sources : newspaper, websites, social media
Assignment: conduct fieldwork online on Corona
-Which forms of collective actions/protests/social movements emerge in reaction to Corona epidemic?
*neighborhood networks
*anti-Europe sentiments
*defiance to state-imposed measures
-How does the Corona epidemics influence existing social movements?
*new tactics : online protests
*change of arguments /strengthening of arguments
*adding new aspects to cause
-Description of fieldsite
*Where? when? Who? how many people? why?
*Description of participants
*which affiliated or sympathizing groups could you find?
*which slogans were used?
*which colours/symbols/banners were used?
*what questions could we discuss based on what you have seen?

In this report we practice the description of field sites in researching social movements. The goal is to practice descriptions from participant observation, as it is one of the main methods to analyze social movement
(Observations have to be detailed and included out-of-box or extraordinary thoughts)