Competitor Analysis

ULO 1: Identify competitors, and then analyze their strengths and weaknesses.

ULO 2: Synthesize general environmental and healthcare industry issues with service area and competitor issues and determine strategic implications.

ULO 3: Analyze the service area for a healthcare entity or specific health service.

The intent of the assignment is to give the student an opportunity to develop a competitor analysis for his or her healthcare department using actual data obtained through public sources.   

The student will perform a competitor analysis whereby the departments chief competitors will be identified and their strengths and weaknesses listed and discussed with a proper degree of clarity. Please recreate the below table for completing this portion of the application assignment.

Use the link below to download a table for completing this portion of the application assignment.

Competitor Analysis TablePreview the document

The student will synthesize the information from the demographic analysis, five forces analysis, and the competitor analysis into a cohesive narrative of the external environment in which the healthcare department operates.

Note: The competitor analysis (table) length will depend on the number of competitors within the healthcare departments service area. It is anticipated that this table will be between 3 and 4 pages in length. The narrative synthesis, which includes key components from the demographic analysis, five forces analysis, and competitor analysis will be between 4 to 5 pages in length and contain substantive content. Simply copying and pasting all or portions of previous submissions into a singular document WILL NOT BE ACCEPTABLE. Rather, the student is to create a cohesive submission where the content from the various analyses are integrated in a fashion which creates a unified document