Comparing Karl Marx to W.E.B. Dubois

    Content. Your responses must cover at least two authors. The goal of these papers is twofold: 1) to encourage you to think analytically by comparing and contrasting the contributions of different theorists; and 2) to hone your writing skills. You are welcome to summarize the arguments of the authors you choose to coverand indeed, some summary will be necessarybut I encourage you to devote the majority of your paper to comparison. Possible comparative questions you may wish to answer include: 
    How do the authors initial assumptions (about society, about social problems) lead them to different conclusions? 
    How do authors differ in their explications of social structure?
o    Here I encourage you to describe how different authors place emphasis on different elements of the social structure OR come to divergent conclusions about the same subject or concept.
    How do authors inclusion or oversight of particular subjects shape their conclusions?