
Your reading response should demonstrate: 1) that you have read all the required materials; 2) carefully thought through them; 3) and thought of the connections, comparisons, relations between them. While you should draw specific examples from the texts, please minimize quotes and obvious summaries and paraphrases, and focus your efforts on your analysis and critical reading. try to remain focused on the texts and not bring in other texts unless specifically asked to do so.

These questions are (non-comprehensive) examples of how to think through and structure your reading response:

-What are some of the central arguments Schivelbusch makes about the social and cultural importance of coffee, and how are these arguments sustained and/or complicated in the other readings?
-How do some of these authors approach coffee as a geographic or spatial process?
-In thinking about cafs as public spheres, how is the relationship between the public and the private approached in these readings? How is it complicated?
-How are cafs sites of both social inclusion and exclusion according to these authors?