Hello, I have my assignment. Can you help me with that?Attached is the assignment. and I am providing you my…
Continue ReadingSoftware Engineering
Due: 3/9/2020 11:59 PM 3/11/2020 11:59 PM Write a Java program that does the following jobs.Step1. Creates a House table…
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Programming Assignment 1: Theater Reservation SystemGeneral RequirementsJava 8 introduced new APIs for Date and Time to address the shortcomings of…
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Assignment(5).pdf has the instructions. – Needs to run on Linux– Functionswritten.cpp is a draft file with individual functions that I…
Continue ReadingMatlab Project problem
This is Matlab related problem.I give you to the a zip file and this file a matlab code” DetectDiseases_GUI.m” are…
Continue ReadingComputer Networking
As mentioned above, in this assignment, you will not have to actually transmit packets over a network. Instead, you will…
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Write a program which implements the A* algorithm on an arbitrary map described through connections file and locations file. The…
Continue ReadingC++ Programming Project – Puzzle Solver
make a C++ program that takes input a .txt through std (cin, getline, etc) of a map puzzle, and find…
Continue ReadingRaspberry pi Geotagging.
Using Raspberry pi 4, I want you to write a code using python 3 that is capable of taking a…
Continue ReadingPython project
Hi, I need to implement a strategy to remove noise from three different MRI images (all attached to this form).…
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