Proverbs 31:8 Isaiah 1:17 Psalm 82:3 Philippians 2:4 Matthew 10:8 Galatians 6:2 John 15:12 James 2:14-17 Choose one of the…
Continue ReadingReligion / Theology
Buddhism Story
Answer the question number based on the story.* Do not write it as an essay, just one paragraph for each…
Continue ReadingAny topic (writer’s choice)
Choose one of the selected doctrines from the 28 Fundamental Beliefs of Seventh-day Adventist. Note, you cannot choose any belief. …
Continue ReadingLater Life, Wisdom, Aging
Later life, wisdom, challenges.Special topics related to elder care, mental health, Alzheimer’s disease, palliative care 1. View 4 videos. 2…
Continue ReadingLater Life, Wisdom, Aging
Later life, wisdom, challenges.Special topics related to elder care, mental health, Alzheimer’s disease, palliative care 1. View 4 videos. 2…
Continue ReadingReligion
After completing the assigned reading in Duvall and Hays and the assigned Bible reading, complete the following in one to…
Continue ReadingReligion
After completing the assigned reading in Duvall and Hays and the assigned Bible reading, complete the following in one to…
Continue ReadingScripture
Imagine that you are standing before God at the end of your life. What would he say to you? Use…
Continue Readingtheology
Students will explore the concepts of theology, spirituality, life experience and interconnectedness. Students will explore their personal beliefs of God,…
Continue Readingtheology
Students will explore the concepts of theology, spirituality, life experience and interconnectedness. Students will explore their personal beliefs of God,…
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