blog 3

Reflect on the role of public health
informatics and large data sets in
your focus area
How does telehealth relate to your
focus area? What are some
potential applications of telehealth
technologies or strategies? If
telehealth is not appropriate, why
Think about an information need
in your focus area; similar to the
discussion of case studies in class
for organization-level informatics,
briefly outline an approach you
would take to define the
information and technology
requirements and then to design,
implement and evaluate a
potential solution.
Describe how Meaningful Use
does or does not relate to your
focus area?
How does the Federal Health IT
Strategic Plan relate to your focus
Throughout your post, be sure to
demonstrate your understanding
and synthesis of readings and
activities from Weeks 1-5 of the
course (cite course readings,
integrate explanations of
concepts/theories into your
description of informatics in your
focus area). You should expand
on the topics in the prompts
where appropriate to include other
concepts (e.g., surveillance,
challenges with data repositories,
measurement) from Weeks 4-5,
Include at least one additional
informatics-focused reference
outside of those required for class
readings in your post.
You should also consider including
any multimedia (images, figures,
videos) that help to describe
informatics in your focus area