Audit (Accounting)

Using the Assessing Audit and Business Risks PDF document attached.

Write a report/cohesive analysis (using all the guidelines specified for writing reports in this course) answering the following questions:

    What are the significant business risks that you have identified for the Toy Central Company, why do you consider what you have identified as business risks, and why do you believe that they are significant (discuss the impact of the risk)?
    What engagement issues (non-business risk issues) have you identified, why do you believe that these are issues, and who are these issues for?
o    Label or identify whether each issue poses a risk to the Responsibility, Performance or Reporting Fundamental GAAS Principles
o    Label or identify whether each issue is an audit, internal control, inherent or detection risk (label the type of risk in your discussion).

Your relevant authoritative guidance MUST come from the PCOAB auditing standards. (Needs to be cited accordingly and MUST state which standard number is being used)

PCAOB Auditing Standards Available at:

All references and citations MUST come from the 3 links below:

SAS 142 Available at:

PCAOB Auditing Standards Available at:

Audit Standards Board Available at: