Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please follow  material bellow and an example for PART ONE bellow.(About 1 page)
For PART TWO please write one page

Theoretical Background

Program goal: To decrease the rates of strokes among African American males 55 and older in the Bronx.


The Ecological Perspective is a framework often used to inform program planning.  For
each of the areas below, identify the following:

1.    Two to three factors that serve as BARRIERS to behavior change in your target population
2.    Two to three factors that could SUPPORT your target populations efforts to change their behavior. 

1. Intrapersonal Factors (knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, personality traits):



2. Interpersonal Factors (family, friends/peers that provide social identity and support):



3. Institutional Factors (rules, regulations, policies which may constrain or promote behaviors):



4. Community Factors (social networks and norms that are formal or informal among individuals, groups and organizations):



EXAMPLE for part one
Program Goal: To decrease the rate of depression due to social media among teenage girls, ages 14-17, at the Bronx HS of Science.

The Ecological Perspective is a framework often used to inform program planning.  For each of the areas below, identify the following:

1.    Two to three factors that serve as BARRIERS to behavior change in your target population
2.    Two to three factors that could SUPPORT your target populations efforts to change their behavior.

1. Intrapersonal Factors (knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, personality traits):
    Having a fear of missing out on what your friends are doing
    Gender. Teenage girls are most at risk of social media-related depression
    Time management skills
    Personal goals, such as wanting to spend less time on your phone

2. Interpersonal Factors (family, friends/peers that provide social identity and support):
    Parents not caring how much time is spent on phone/computer
    Friends using social media as a means of communication
    Outdoor activities away from technology
    Friends/family that will talk with you about depression

3. Institutional Factors (rules, regulations, policies which may constrain or promote behaviors):
    Policies towards cell phone use in school, usually high school students are allowed to use them while in school
    Businesses and entrepreneurs using social media as a promotional tool, where many teens get their information from
    Clubs/workshops in school that help fight depression
    Athletic teams
    Seeing a therapist

4. Community Factors (social networks and norms that are formal or informal among individuals, groups and organizations):
    Lack of knowledge about depression and its link to social media from society (community, parents, teenagers)
    Social media companies wanting you using their apps as much as possible by making them more addicting
    Depression hotlines
    Amount of outdoor parks & recreation activities


PART TWO: (write 1 page)

Theoretical Background: Underlying your project is a theoretical background that
shapes your goal and objectives, and will help to convince others to support it.  Your
intervention is to be based upon a behavior change theory/model.  This section
should include a description of the model you’ve chosen and how it applies to your

Please Note:  If you select the Trans theoretical Model ( Stages of Change) please be sure to describe  how your intervention( program) will move your target population from one stage to another. This means that I do not want to see all 5-6 stages. I would like to see how you get participants from Pre Contemplation to Contemplation or from Contemplation to Preparation,