Any topic (writer’s choice)

Question 2:

The U.S. Constitution has 27 Amendments. The first ten amendments, called the Bill of Rights, were added in 1791 to address issues noted by the Anti-federalists. Later amendments were added to address concerns that arose in subsequent years.

Please select

a) one of the Bill of Rights Amendments


b) one of Amendments 11-27 that you find to be the most essential.

If the amendment has multiple parts, be specific about the part that you find most important.  Be thorough in your explanation and support for your selection.  You MUST use examples in your essay to support your points.  These examples can include court cases or other materials but be certain to cite your sources.

Your responses should be 4-5 full paragraphs long (8-10 sentences each) and demonstrate your understanding of these concepts and capacity to critically evaluate the questions. Your response must be double spaced, 12 font and have 1 inch margins.  You need to have left justify or not have your right side lined up with center justify which gives awkward spacing on the page and there will be deduction of points if this is present.