Any topic (writer’s choice)

Choose one of the following:
1.) Write an essay evaluating the quote: Happiness is an Accomplishment. In
what ways can happiness be an accomplishment? Whose happiness? Whose
accomplishment? In what ways might happiness not be an accomplishment,
but rather a product of luck or some other thing we might not consider to have
been accomplished? What might authors like Lyubomirsky, Baumeister, and/or
Epictetus say about this?
2.) Take John Sellars advice and live like a Stoic for a weekmaybe use
Epictetus (or Marcus Aurelius) as a guide. Write an evaluation of what you did
(that is, what was specifically stoic about what you did), and any effects this
had on your happiness level.
3.) The narrator of Julian Barness short story The Dream seems upset when
Margaret tells him that people like him tend to want to die off sooner than
others in Heaven (pp. 302-304). Why do you think the narrator is upset by this?
If everyone exists in this Heaven for as long as they want to, why would lasting
longer than others be important? Write an essay in which you discuss why the
length of time one exists in the Heaven of the story is and/or is not important.
The length of your response should be between 800-1,000 words, uploaded as a
Word document attachment to the Writing Assignment #1 Drop Box on
Blackboard (no pdf documents, please). The assignment is due on Friday,
February 7 by 11:59pm