Any topic (writer’s choice)

This project is designed to show that you can identify and describe the underlying business issues relating to a community organization engaged in social justice efforts.

You need to choose the project and there are four areas from which to choose


Then you need to fully describe mission of the organization including  writing a mission statement

List all of the the legal issues that include but are not limited to zoning, Covid-19 regulations, Torts, Contracts, Intellectual property and any criminal law issues, Sustainability issues, etc.

Sustainable includes environment as well as economic viability and how the organization will survive a change in personnel if the founders move on to new projects.

Pick one of the issues and resolve them from beginning to end.

Full description along with video explanation and rubric can be found here >> Description of the Final project

Deliverables are available here>>Details of deliverables for project – watch video on page above first

Example>>example final project.pdf    download

Slides>> 6-Final project.pdf download

Rubric>> business law final project-wi21-1.pdf  downloadrevised 3/4/21

Bottom line :

The final has this basic requirement. >> This project is designed to show that you can identify and describe the underlying business issues relating to a community organization engaged in social justice efforts.

You achieve this in three basic parts.
1. Describe the organization by explaining its mission and purpose.

2. With the organization in mind, consider all of the units that we’ve covered during the term. Then in general identify the unit topics and how they will impact you effort to fully complete that mission. For example, dealing with the torts means that you list at any possible liability that you have based on the activities of your vendors. Those liabilities are also called torts.

In this section it is enough to simply identify and then broadly describe the issues and their impacts on your organization. If you are not looking at torts as the main issue, then it is enough to say torts will affect us when and if we take control of materials and deliver them, our violation of ordinances etc.

3. Then you pick on from the list that you identified and quickly described. For that issue you will need to give a more full description of the issue, how much it impacts you, what you can do to solve or reduce that issue on your organization. So of all the areas of law that will apply to you, which one will you pay particular attention.