Any topic (writer’s choice)

The two paintings reproduced below belong to two different styles and historical periods. Identify them, and write an essay comparing and contrasting them. In order to discuss both commonalities and differences, take into consideration formal aspects, titles, artistic contexts, and cultural influences. Make sure to connect the stylistic characteristics you identify in both paintings to the ideas and goals motivating the artistic currents they represent respectively.
. The first paining is by Pierre-Auguste Renoir and is entitled moulin de la Galette and is from the impressionist movement
The second is by Emil Nolde and is entitled dance around the golden calf and is from the expressionist movement.

Rubric (5 pts each item)
1. Comparison is thorough and supported.
2. Comparison draws from formal analysis and title.
3. Comparison draws from knowledge of the art movements to which they belong respectively.
4. Contrast is thorough and supported.
5. Contrast draws from formal analysis and title.
6. Contrast draws from knowledge of the art movements to which they belong respectively.
7. Essay contains background information to contextualize the commonalities and differences.
8. Essay shows a sophisticated understanding of the artistic goals of the two art movements.
9. Arguments are insightful and well developed.
10. Essay is clear and well written.