Any topic (writer’s choice)

You work as a prevention specialist and advocate in an agency that provides social services to adolescents (e.g., HIV testing, pregnancy testing). One of your teen clients, Nadir, a 16-year-old Arab-American male, who identifies as homosexual, has tested positive for HIV and has not discussed his HIV status or his sexual orientation with his mother and father yet. His mother discovered the receipt for his anonymous test results in his pants pocket and called demanding to know the results.

Discuss the ethical and legal issues presented in the scenario. What advice would you give to your client about the family members attempt to gain access to his/her personal information? How would you handle the situation with the family member? Please include specific minor consent laws in your state and cite your reference.
Using systems theory or other relevant theories, explain how this challenging situation could be an opportunity to build family support and a strong support system for the client. Remember that every situation presents some opportunity for growth.


HN370: Child Welfare and Family
HN430: Advocacy for Families and Youth
HN450: Legal and Ethical Issues in Human Services
Please also take some time to review the following supplemental journal articles found in the library:

Chaskin, R.J. (2006). Family support as community-based practice: Considering a community capacity framework for family support provision. In Dolan, P., Canavan, J., & Pinkerton, J. (Authors), Family support as reflective practice. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Dolan, P., Canavan, J., & Pinkerton, J. (2006). Family support: From description to reflection. In Family support as reflective practice. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.